2: Adoption Day

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Jessica's POV

Ahhhh... Adoption day. The day where I don't get picked for the thousandth time.

I honestly don't enjoy these days but I go down anyways. Sometimes I stay up in my room because Ms. Jordan or Sofia, as she tells me to call her, lets me. She has been a good mother figure for me.

Anyways, I feel like something good is going to happen so I decide that I'm gonna shower, put on minimal makeup, so that's what I do. After I'm done I go to my closet and grab a Black veil brides shirt, some acid washed purple ripped skinny jeans, I put all of this with my light purple high tops and put them all on.

Its around breakfast time (9:30) and Sofia had said that the group would be here at noon. (12:00pm) So I run downstairs and get some fruit and a waffle with some whip cream and syrup and eat that.

~Le time skip (11:55am)~

"All teenagers around the ages of 14-17 come downstairs and line up, the group will be here in 5 minutes" Ms. Jordan had said on the loud speaker. I was in the toddler room helping out so I was already on the first floor.

I run out the toddler room and go line up. To pass time, I plug in my headphones to my iPhone 5 and play Savior by Black Veil Brides. Earlier I had made sure to brush, tease and straighten my blight blue hair.

Soon I hear screeching, which means the main bitch has entered the room. She walk past me and kicks me in the shins. Which doesn't hurt, I don't flinch and Tiffiney gets mad.

She rips out one of my earbuds and tells me,

"Listen here freak, you will never get adopted and you should just kill yourself already."

"You know what Tiffiney, you don't scare me, I have done NOTHING to you. so just leave me alone."

"hmph, whatever." She says then flips her long bleach blonde hair into my face and walks away.

Soon enough a black car pulls up to the building and 5 pale men with tattoos pile out of the car.

They look EXTREMLY familar. hmmmm where do I remember them from. As I think this, I hear Andy Biersack screaming into my ear, this song must be Perfect Weapon.

One of the five men chuckled and turns to me and says,

"Someone likes my band."


I squeal and say out loud, "YOU ARE BLACK VEIL BRIDES!! AHHH"

Andy chuckles and turns to whisper to CC, Jake, Jinxx, and Ashley.

"Whats your name?" CC questions.

"Jessica Maron" they all nod.

"Ms. Jordan, Can we interview Jessica?" Andy asks Sofia.

"Of course! Jessica take BVB to the first interview room."

"Yes, Sofia!" I say excitedly.

"Follow me." I tell them as calmly as possible.

They follow me to Interview room 1 and they all sit on one side of the table while I sit on the other side.

"Tell us about yourself." Andy states.

"Okay. Well um my favorite color is Blood red and black. I am 17, I will be 18 on December 26th (its July and BVB arent at warped) I believe in and love supernatural creatures, my favorite creature is a Vampire.  sometimes wish I were a vampire because I want to be immortal, sorry if that came out weird. I listen to every rock/metal band out there. You guys are my Savior's which is funny cause Savior is my second favorite song by you guys, my first is either Carolyn or Perfect weapon. Anything else you need to know?"

"Do you want to be adopted and if so, by whom?" Ashley asks

"YES! and by Andy. I feel like he would be more fatherly like."

"Aww.. thats sweet Jess. Go pack your bags sweetheart cause you have a new father and uncles." Andy tells me.

"REALLY?!? Yay! UNCLE CC COME HELP ME!" I yelled and I swore I saw the five of them flinch but I brushed it off.

They all chuckled and I pulled CC with me up to my room to help me.

Andy's POV

When Jessica said that her favorite supernatural creature was a Vampire, the five of us relaxed because if you couldn't tell by our pale skin and bright or dark pupils, we are all Vampires, Me being the Oldest Vamp. I may be 26 in human years, but I'm 1700 years old while the rest of them are around 1695 or younger.

After Jess drug CC out of the room the other four of us sighed out loud.

"Thank god she loves Vampires or this would have been harder for us" Ashley said.

"Yea I'm happy and I think I should sign the papers because Uncle CC won't last long." I told the guys and chuckled.

"Uhh, Andy what do you mean?" Jinxx asked me.

"Dude, Jake you know how I told you Ella was your mate? and you had told me that I was an idiot but about 2 months later you came to me and told me I was right."


"Well Jessica is CC's Mate."

"WHAT?!" They all whisper yelled.


~Le time skip(arriving at the BVB house still Andys pov)~

"Wowww Dad, this place is amazing.." Jessica told me.

She had asked me earlier if it was ok to call me dad and I had just smiled and nodded.

"Ok Ashley, CC, and Jake take Jess' stuff up to her new room and I will take her to Home Depot and Bed bath and Beyond for stuff for her new room, maybe Hot Topic for clothes and other things." I told everyone.

~sorry another Le Time Skip~

Jessica's POV

Andy had taken me out to buy a load of stuff for my new room, so when we got back we could decorate my room. So after a few hours this was the out come.

I had 2 of the walls filled with band posters and the bedding has Batman, because batman is the best superhero of all time

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I had 2 of the walls filled with band posters and the bedding has Batman, because batman is the best superhero of all time. Andy agrees with me.

When we were done, Andy ordered me a large meat lovers pizza while they drank their "smoothies".

We sat down and watched the new Annabelle movie, that was until the doorbell rang scaring me which caused me to jump into CC's lap and I felt sparks that made me shiver in delight.

I think CC notice cause his eyes clouded over with lust and desire. Should I be scared?

A/N I hoped you enjoy this first actual chapter of my new fanfic. I am writing some other stories but I wanted to write a fanfic for people to enjoy.

Bye love you all!


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