Chapter 3: The Change

Start from the beginning

Scott visibly paled. This wasn't Stiles. Not the real Stiles, anyway.

The door rammed open, and Dr. Kalic, Mike, and Dale stepped in. Go figure. Stiles wasn't glaring at them, but anyone could see the dangerous fire that lurked in his still glowing eyes.

"Good morning, mutts. How are you Mr. Stilinski? We've seen some major progress in the last 12 hours. Haven't we?" Dr. Kalic asked with a small smile plastered on his lips.

What was even more scary was that Stiles put on a mischievous grin that went from ear to ear. Suddenly the two men behind him flew to the wall, pinned against it. It was almost as if someone, or something, invisible had did it themselves. Stiles only grinned wider.

Everyone there heard the sickening snap of their necks, and watched them fall limp to the ground. Dr. Kalic stared at him in horror. A darkly amused face aperared on the semi-human's face.

At that moment, the doctor himself flew backwards and got stuck to the wall as well. He slid up it so his feet were about 12 inches of the ground. That's when the werewolves heard it. Every bone in his body started to break, one by one. He screamed which only made Stiles's evil grin grow to impossible lengths. After about 2 minutes of aganozing torture, Dr. Kalic slumped to the ground and stopped breathing.

All three prisoners sat in silence for a few minutes. That's when the incredible happened. The chains binding them all to the room turned into dust, setting them all free.

Scott sat there with his eyes wide and mouth hanging open. Derek's eyes were almost out of the sockets, but he restrained himself from letting his jaw drop.
Stiles, or what was believed to be Stiles, was the first to get up. He walked to the door, opened it and motioned for them to follow.

Once the initial shock wore off, the were wolves seemed to have a quick, but silent conversation.

Is it safe to leave with him like this?

I don't know, but it may be our only chance to escape.

Okay, but were going to take him to Deaton's right after we escape.


They got up and followed Stiles to a door labeled "Emergency Exit". They pushed it open and there sat a familiar white van. How ironic, they were going to escape in the van they were kidnapped in.

They ran to it. Derek decided to drive while Scott took the passenger seat and Stiles sat in the back of the van. They weren't that far from the clinic, only taking them 10 minutes until they arrived.

When they did arrive, the whole pack was there huddled over a map with locations marked down. To say they were suprised to find Stiles with glowing eyes covered in dirt and blood along with Derek and Scott in the same attire was an understatement.

When Deaton came into the room to check on the teens he saw Stiles. Derek could have swore that Deaton looked afraid for a split second but he couldn't tell because the face was gone as soon as it came.

He motioned for them to follow and they did.

"Set Stiles in a chair. Make him look forward. Isaac and Liam I need you to catch him if he slumps down so he doesn't hurt himself. Understand?" Deaton commanded, not waiting for any responces. The pack nodded. He put his hands on Stiles shoulders. Stiles's glowing eyes closed in unison with Dr. Deaton's.

The vet said some words in another language. Both sets of eyes sprung open. Although Stiles's were still glowing, they looked calm and innocent instead of dangerous and malicious. 

Deaton spoke, "Stiles, you're safe. You may rest." Stiles gave a short but firm nodd and slumped over. Luckily Liam and Isaac were there to catch him.

"Open his eyes. See if there still glowing." the vet demanded. When Scott pried open his brother's eyes open he found the normal whiskey brown color. This relieved him. Extreamly.

"Isaac, Liam, I want you to take him to his house and make him rest, although it shouldn't be too hard. You'll have to stay the night with him," the vet said to the wolves who nodded and scooped up the no-longer-human and exited the office,"Scott, Derek, your going to explain what happened over the last 36 hours. Everybody else go home. We will keep you updated."

The remaining pack members nodded and went their separate ways. Derek and Scott went home after the long explanation of their adventure, including the gruesome details. However, nobody was prepared for what was about to happen when Stiles woke up.


Ugh my hands hurt now.... I have to do this all on my phone but its worth it. Please feel free to correct or make suggestions. Im tired... HEY I ALMOST FORGOT the picture up there is the image of Stiles's eye. Except its more vibrant. Okay goodnight!!!! And don't forget to 😃 smile!!!!!

Word Count: 1358

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