What did I get myself into ?

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I thought this was a good idea....

It's been two years since I've graduated from school. But someone dared me to walk into my old high school, dressed in my old uniform. First I laughed it off but they told me they'd pay me if I went through with it.

And here I am outside of the school in my white shirt and plaid skirt. If I wasn't in need of it, I wouldn't even be doing this right now.

I walk up the familiar stairs to get to the front entrance. Then open the heavily wooden doors. Walking in, my stomach was doing somersaults. But I continued, pulling my phone from my skirt's pocket.

Why oh why ? Did they want me to record this. I'm already having an hard enough time just walking in here. Then I turned a corner, begin to walk down the halls were the classrooms were and held my phone up to see students, that were in class to let my friends know that I was really here during the day.

When I was trying to get a better camera view. I was suddenly tapped on the shoulder. Turning around, I thought, Oh god I'm caught. And it was just the person I didn't want to see.

A hall monitor.

And I felt really stupid for not remembering that this school had one.

" Young lady aren't you suppose to be in class right now. What's your name ? Let's take a trip to the principal's office. " he told me holding to my arm.

Shit. I need to run and get the hell out before I'm put in jail. I could see it now.

Grown ass woman caught portraying an high school student.

Or would I have to pay an huge ass fine with money that I didn't have. And I'll be owing more than I do now.

So I pulled free from his hold, ran down the hall. Down some stairs to the basement. I figured that if it's still the way as when I was attending then I could make it out of one the basement windows. Because I knew I probably couldn't get out a door.

Thinking so, As I continued running with the hall monitor still coming after me. I reach the basement, opened the door, started running until I was pulled into an corner by someone.

My breathing was heavy trying to catch it while this person held my mouth and waist. And the hall monitor yell out to me, walking passed us just out of view.  Then he turned around going back the other way. Seconds later, I heard the heavy metal basement door open and close.

Then I immediately tried to break free from this stranger's hold. But he kept me planted were I was. And I felt his breath on my neck as he said.

" It's pretty bold of you to come prancing around my school in that uniform. "

" What are you talking about ? I'm a student here  " I told him, he suddenly  turned me around to look each other in the face.

" Do you wanna know how I could tell ? Huh ? " he asked caressing my face that I had to admit sent chills up my spine.

" How ? " I said and I saw he was an actual student.

Shit ! I'm fucked now.

" It's cause your shirt doesn't have our school's logo. So why are you here ? Plus I haven't seen you around. "

" Maybe I'm not noticeable or it could just be my first day. "

" Don't lie " he said with his lips inches from mine.

Is he gonna kiss me ? Did I want him too ? Oh my god what if he's underage.

I thought as I tried to push him off me. But it wasn't that I didn't want it to be over. I mean what the hell is wrong with me. I haven't been with the opposite sex in awhile.

Then he slid hand under my skirt, start rubbing me through my panties. It felt so right but I knew it was wrong.

Am I whore ? Or I could be one those ?...

" Let's go somewhere, where we can be more comfortable, " he said taking his hand from under my skirt and taking me by the hand to lead me elsewhere.

And the place he lead me was an dusty storage room. Well that's how it looked to me. Then he instructed me to sit on some old ass gym mats.

He sat down beside me, rub my thighs. And with the other hand he pulled my face to his for a kiss then I turned my head to the side as a warning for him to stop.

" What ? What's wrong ? "

" I feel this is wrong on so many levels. And you need to know the truth because I'm not who you think I am " I tried to explain, feeling all kinds of guilt for letting this go this far.

" I already know, if you must know I'm the right age so I'll stop here " he said with a smile.

Minutes later, we walked out the school together. It got kind of awkward doing so but I did get the footage. And that's a good thing, I hope it was anyway.

" How did you get here ? " he said bringing me out of my thoughts.

" Oh ? By car, it's down the street though. And shouldn't you get back to class ? "

" No not really. I'm what you call a genius. "

" Okay genius, well bye " I laughed slapping him on the shoulder then walked off to go my car.

" Bye then but I'll see you again " he said out of ear shot.


Guy's pov-

" Bye then. But I'll see you again. "

And she turned around as I waved when she got to her car.

Yes. It's a promise I'll most definitely be see you again, Stacy.

There's an part two to this. Just letting y'all know 😉

© J. Flemmings

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form either it be electronic, mechanical, storage and retrieval system without the permission of the author.

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination. No person or persons dead or alive, any resemblance whatsoever it's purely coincidental.

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