Chapter 12

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"I will follow thee 

To the last gasp with truth and loyalty"         Shakespeare -As You Like It

"Life is as tedious as twice told  tale"            Shakespeare -  King John

"Tis strange - but true, for truth is always strange; stranger than fiction."

                                                                                  Byron, Don Juan Canto xiv, st 101

"Sorrow's crown of sorrow is remembering happier things."

                                                                          Tennyson   - In Memorium ix. 

But things always come to be known however secretly camouflaged.  One of the friends of Latha witnessed these morning teaching lessons to Geetha in car driving by Bhaskar  and reported it to Latha.  So, one day, when he came back from the so called morning walk, Latha confronted him. 

"How is the morning walk going on ?  Is it giving you greater energy to do things ?"

" Yes, it is quite good.  It refreshes me very much", Bhaskar said.  At least he was true about the pep he got.  

"With whom do you go for walks to enjoy the cool morning air ?"

"With nobody in particular.  There are lots of people in the Lodhi gardens, who wish each other, even though they may not know them personally.  It is mere pleasantry."  He was becoming a little suspicious at the turn of conversation.  Had Latha come to know the real purpose of his morning outings, he wondered.  He had to be quite careful in future.  Latha's mother, Mangalam had come by this time into the room to offer Bhaskar his morning coffee.  She had partially heard the conversation.  

"How is the car lesson going on ?", Latha suddenly asked.  Before Bhaskar could answer, his mother in law became inquisitive and joined the conversation. 

"What car lesson ? Who is learning car driving ? Both of you already know car driving."

Latha did not want to continue the conversation in front of her mother.  She was quite considerate about these things and wanted to keep her privacy with her spouse.  

"Oh ! Nothing mother.  Bhaskar was trying to teach car driving to poor people, who want to make a livelihood by becoming drivers.  He selects only good looking affectionate boys who consider him  as their master."

"Do they pay him ?", her mother asked without realising the real situation. 

"Oh ! They pay keen attention to Bhaskar and he says training these poor souls who feell life empty is itself is a reward for him."

"Better not teach them to drive recklessly and fast, as you do, son-in-law.   Accidents occur in such cases, one time or other.", said  Mangalam. 

Much to the relief of Bhaskar, Mangalam did not fathom the real situation that was the undercurrent of the dialogue between her daughter and son-in-law.  She left the room telling that she had lots of work to attend to and would have to prepare food in time.  That was like the usual exit dialogue of a person in a drama when the scene ends.  The scene also ended without Latha making a scene and resorting to further interrogation.  Bhaskar thought he escaped easily and went to take  bath.  He had to dress up nicely and then go to office.  He had to be quite presentable to Geetha, when he would be discussing what happened at home after the driving lessons. Latha also left for office without taking her breakfast, as she was in no mood for it after the morning conversation with her husband.  She had her own car.  As Bhaskar was not prepared to drop  her in the office, she had appointed a driver for her car.  It was tiresome and difficult to drive as the pregnancy advanced.  

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