Chapter 9

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"There is nothing permanent except change"     C. Desmoulins

"The world hates change, yet it is the only thing that has brought progress.

                                                                                       Charles Kettering

"All things change, nothing perishes."                                 Ovid

Delhi ! Oh Delhi !  The great capital of India now and centuries before.  From the earliest times of Pandavas it was Indraprasta and the excavations of this great city could still be seen.  How many empires and dynasties, emperors and kings and queens this city had witnessed.  Hordes of people from Central Asia, the  Greeks,  Afghans, Mughals and later British had poured into this place to conquer, rule and get assimilated to the extent their faith permitted.  Still it goes on with vibrating life with changed locations to suit the rulers.  Having read about the ramifications of this city in the text books, Latha was quite excited about living in the city.  Newly married to a person who sought after her, wooed her and joined his life with hers, she was hoping for the best in life.   There would be no great obstacle for her happiness and she was a good wife and daughter.  She felt quite contended and happy and somewhat carefree in Delhi .  The behaviour of people in Delhi and their approach to life  as well as the ambiance of the city was also somewhat responsible for her  relaxed and carefree state of mind.  She was accustomed to the serious, studious and rule above man attitude in Madras.  Reader may kindly not take that this attitude and way of living is still prevalent in Chennai that is Madras.  They will be disappointed if they, especially those  from northern and eastern India hope to find this today in Chennai.  The present generation of Chennai would also be surprised and even look scornfully at such approach to life that existed there half a century ago.  Here in Delhi she found that people took life as it came to them and not bogged down by plethora of petty rules and regulations in every walk of life.  They were more liberal in their outlook and she found that people in Delhi believed that rules were made for man and not man for the rules.  

She went out more frequently and visited places of interest with Bhaskar.  Red Fort, Lodi gardens, Chandini Chowk and various markets were visited.  For some places both her parents came and for many places her mother accompanied her.  The month of September was cool.  As the days progressed the weather became cold.  Unlike now a days, Delhi was having those days long winter starting with cool weather of September.  People will graduate from full sleeve shirt with half sleeve sweater to full sleeve sweaters, coats with sweaters and late with thermal inner garments in January and February.  Till April she could enjoy the winter.  Bhaskar also was nice to her.  Her mother tried to take care of her day to day needs and also those of Bhaskar to some extent.  Some times her mother's inquiries and advice conditioned by her past living in Madras were unpalatable and irksome.  Her actions were also reflected in her actions and house management.  Many a time she told her mother that she should forget the style of life and constant fear of future with shortage of money that loomed large till she came to the Service.  But habits and fears of six decades do not die so easily.  As a mother she had dreamt of her daughter becoming an important big officer with lots of money.  Though she was happy that  her dreams came true, many actions and reactions of her mother to everyday living conditions and problems still showed the effervescence of past years.  Bhaskar was irked by this ambiance.  Her father was above all this and just spent his time eating good food provided by his dutiful wife.  He spent the day taking life leisurely and was mostly busy reading Hindu newspaper that would come in the evening train.  There was no television in those  days and radio was the only entertainment.  But Tamil programmes were not broadcasted from Delhi All India radio.  He spent more time in doing his daily prayers, morning, noon and evening.  Now and then he would go to nearby temples where Gods and Goddesses were dressed in up in beautiful, glowing dress. This was quite a change for him to see  since in Madras the statues of Gods and Goddesses were sculptured from stone and they were given daily bath and then decorated with real jewels.  Here in nearby small temple it was all marble statues nicely carved and draped in enchanting dress with brightly light interiors even in  the sanctum.  It was quite fascinating and attractive.

Time passe by and Latha was a successful officer and got praised by her superiors.  Bhaskar was of a different temperament and his official manners and behaviour were quite different from that of Latha.  He was not very hardworking and did not pay much respect to the prescribed office hours.  At times he would be sarcastic with his subordinates and colleagues.  This was in sharp contrast to the behaviour of Latha.  As a result she was more popular and respected than him.  Some colleagues of the Service even openly or secretly mentioned this in parties and common get together when Latha and Bhaskar were both present.  Invariably this left a bad feeling in the mind of Bhaskar and made Latha embarrassed at times. 

"Every one thinks high of you and many think I am boor and undesirable fellow", one day he told her when late in the night they were chatting about office work.  

Latha said," I do not think so.  Some people will always be like that and talk loosely."

"It is because of you.  You unnecessarily bend backwards to be nice and pleasant to people, your subordinates and colleagues."  There was an undercurrent of jealousy in him and Latha felt that she should not allow it grow.

"No, No . It is not like that.  Possibly because I am a lady officer they expect me to speak nicely and men get offended if a lady office ticks them off.  I have to be careful.  That does not mean that I am more popular and you are not."

"That is what I meant. Being a lady you have that advantage"

"What advantage ?"

"People like to please you as you are a lady and I am strict."

Latha felt that it was an unsavory comment.  In fact, lady officers are to be more careful with their words when they deal with different levels of people in office and outside world.  Why is he viewing things like this ?

"I have not done any thing out of the way to please anyone.  It is purely official business. " , Latha told some what unhappily. 

"That is what you think you do.  It is how others view it that matters."

The conversation was becoming unpalatable and Latha wanted to avoid further remarks.  She said "Good night" and covered herself with bed sheet and turned to sleep.    She could not fall a sleep immediately.  She felt that he was behaving like one who expected his wife to behave like an uneducated village girl, who did all the household chores and obediently pressed the feet of her husband at night to make him go to sleep. After all, both had come to some decent level in life and were educated and had  lived in different parts of the country.  Why this sort of attitude should be there in him ?   She pondered and went into introspection over his behaviour and actions in the past months.  She found nothing on her part to make any normal man and husband to fell like Bhaskar.   Slowly sleep overtook her despite the snores emanating from her husband.

End of Chapter 9

Note:  I crave the indulgence of the readers for the long delay in going ahead with the writing. Some how I did not get the urge to pen further.  Possibly I felt it is not worthwhile.  I hope persons reading this dreary tale share their opinions with me to make me know how it is received.  Thanking the readers for their consideration.

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