
I think I can trust Dakota.....but I can't let my guard down just yet....I won't have another Lilith situation.....I won't get screwed over again....

I slowly open my eyes to see Dakota running his fingers over his hair is tucked behind his ears and his eyes are still on the road. I prop myself on one elbow to see where he was taking us.

"Where are we?" I ask quietly.

Dakota remains silent...I just sit all the way up to see a dusty road.

"Where are we?" I ask again, Dakota rolls his eyes.

"I've been driving down the same road ever since you fell asleep....calm down." Dakota said nonchalantly.

I yawn, Dakota just glares at me, I raise my eyebrows. This man is hard to understand.

"Dragon breath." He growls.

Suddenly he stops at a four people huddling in the street, there is a old church in the feild, they had their hands up. Dakota turns to me.

"I'm going to take a piss. See what they want." Dakota said emotionlessly. I grab my revolver and stepped out. To me they seem like innocent church people....civilians. I point my gun at them, keeping my fingers off the trigger.

"P-please....we need your help." A woman pleads, I slightly lower my gun.

"We don't have food." I said, walking closer.

"Not that....our church has some of those t-things if you could handle them all....we'll be out of your hair." The woman said, I could smell bullshit....but if anything goes down, Dakota has my back.....if he's trustworthy.

The rest of the people shoot the woman looks, but they part ways for me, the woman removes the furniture that barricaded the doors, I step inside to see the cross upside down. My eyes widen. I turn to see a girl tied to a chair.

"H-jelp me....please!" She pleads

The roamers begun walking towards me, I pull out my dagger and ran towards the tallest roamer that is staggering towards me.

I run towards it, kicking it by the knee and stabbing it by the head. The other roamer groans, I grab it by the remaining bits of it's hair, stabbing it up the throat, I toss the body to the side then shot one clean through the head.

Soon as I got up from stabbing the roamer by the skull.

"Put down your weapons and kneel." I heard the woman say, I was a second away from getting out of this place....they weren't Christians....

I put my hands up, moving my gun in front of me, if she got any closer I could shoot her quickly.

"Y-you kill people." She stutters.

"You're no Christian....when you have a scared little girl almost eaten alive." I mutter, she presses the gun at the back of my head.

"You're poisoned!" She shouts.

"I'm going to kill you, then that man outside-" Before she could finish I grab my gun and shoot her clean through the head. I should've shot her through the heart....and let her turn.

I look down at her body, without saying anything I pick up my dagger, the rest of the people barge in with guns.

"Amanda did you kill-" Before the other woman could finish she trembles as I'm covered in blood. I give them a glare.

"Stay where you stand!" The man shouts, trembling as he points the gun at me. The woman screams and runs towards me, I give her a hard slap causing her to fall into the chair, she drops her gun.

The woman pulls out her knife slashing my arm open as she screams, I climb on top of her, stabbing her by the chest. I pull the blade out, she stops screaming and lays lifelessly.

"Don't move you spawn of the devil!" The man in a black robe shouts. I look around to see a girl....years younger than me tied up, she trembles.

"Coming from people who are trying to sacrifice a little girl." I growl.

A hard pain comes from the back of my head, I fall to the side.

The man who called me the spawn of the devil saunters closer to me, pointing his gun down at me, the door whirls open, I could see Dakota use the back of his gun to beat down the man that stood by the door.

"P-please help me...." The little girl cries.

The man in the robe walks towards Dakota.

"Come, we'll sacrifice both of these sinners!" The man said, Dakota runs towards the man, stabbing him by the stomach. The man in the robe trembles, Dakota kicks him to the side.

Then he walks towards me.

"Do I always have to save your ass?" He asks coldly, yanking me onto my feet.

"Wait-" I try to say but he cuts me off.

"That was a rhetorical question." He said coldly, turning away from me.

"Don't let that woman go-" The man beside the door pleads.

"Shut up." Dakota said coldly.

"Go to hell." The man shot back.

"Look around you, we're all in hell." Dakota said.

"Soon as I get up, I'll kill both of you." He threatens, Dakota shoots him by the head. I rush towards the girl. She had dark brown hair, her olive skin is covered in blood.

"T-thank you....they killed my little brother because he swore." She said with her eyes brimming with tears.

"Have you ever....by the chance saw a little girl....younger than you?" I ask.

"No....if I did she'd probably be here with me." The girl shrugs.

I cut the ropes, the girl immediately rolls up her bloody sleeve to show a bite mark, it was covered in blood...she looks up at me.

"If you don't mind....can you make sure....you know." The girl said, looking down at my gun then she points at her temple....I slowly nod.

"Yeah...let's take you outside...." I said weakly, I help her up then slowly walk outside, we step down into the feild.

"What's your name?" I ask her.

"Natilie...." She whispers, she walks out further away from me in front of a already dug hole.

I close my eyes before opening the cylinder, I only have three bullets left.

"May this end your pain." I said, pointing the gun at her head. I pull the trigger to see her fall into the hole.

Dakota walks out, takes a look at me then walks back to the car.

I grab the shovel that laid against the tree then begun burying the girl, then I walk back towards the car.

May God bless you Natilie....for all you've been through.

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