"No way. I don't believe you in the slightest. I need Hana to tell me herself." Jack growls as I feel Hana stiffen beneath me. I pull away from her as she pinches her cheeks and ruffles her hair.

"It's too early in the damn morning!" She yells as she quickly walks into the auditorium leaving me with Jack. An unhappy expression on his face creeps closer to me as he angrily walks forward.

"What happen to you two yesterday? You two are giving off this vibe that I don't really like right now."

I look at Jack with a confident smile. "You let your guard down, bud. Hana needed someone yesterday and I happen to fill the shoes."

Jack clicks his tongue and bumps into my shoulder as he follows after Hana. I pat my shoulder and shrug. My only goal now is to have Hana admit her feelings.

- - - -

Classes went smoothly with the occasional murmurs from Jack and hesitant Hana. My hands in my pocket as I walk over to my car to find Jack sitting on the hood of it. I raise a brow as Jack turns his gaze towards me. As I walk closer to my car, Jack stands up with his hands in his pockets. 

"Hi?" I say confused. Jack purses his lips and hangs his head low, releasing a dragged out sigh. 

"You win." He murmurs under his breath. What did he just say? 

"Come again?" I ask him as he grits his teeth. 

"You win. Hana told me herself...so any time now she'll tell you too." His words aching his heart as his facial expression looks horrible. 

"Did you really like Hana that much?" I ask him as he groans.

"Probably more than I thought I did. It felt nice to have a girl that can relate to a sensitive topic, you know? But as usual I'm always a step behind." Jack drags his words as he kicks the air with his foot. He looks back up to me and offers a hand. I give him a firm grip, shaking his hand as he gives me a weak smirk. 

"Hey man. There's plenty of fishes in the sea." 

"Yeah, but you caught yourself a fine one." Jack mumbles as I shrug with a smile. 

"I only got lucky this fish escaped from it's net." 

Jack surprises me with a pat on my shoulder. "You sure did. Hana told me a little bit of your confession. Who knew you had a cute side." Jack finally laughs as silence soon follows. "Well, go head home. I'm sure Hana will call you anytime now." 

I nod my head and wave Jack bye as I settle in my car. My phone vibrating in my pocket. 

"How convenient." I smile.

But my smile soon disappeared as I see the caller ID. ' Hanzo '  I groan from the sight but unwillingly answer.

"Yes?" My tone obviously annoyed.

"That's how you greet your brother? How rude. I haven't seen you in a long time." I roll my eyes and scoff. I just saw this asshole a few days ago, did he forget? 

"What do you want Hanzo?" I mess with the keys in my hand as I lean back in my seat. 

"Oh, just wanting to catch up with my brother. I overheard that my brother has feelings for an ex of mine. Is that true?" 

I bite my lower lip and place the keys in the cup holder. I never told Hanzo I have a thing for Hana. I couldn't anyway since those two were an item. Besides, what uncool brother am I to fall in love with his brother's girlfriend - correction, ex. It's wrong...but I so badly want her to be mine. 

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