Chapter Twenty-Three

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Chapter Twenty-Three

"You cannot sleep here, George," Ester argued sternly as they stood in the kitchen at Grace's that evening.

"Grandma..." Grace argued but the old woman quickly silenced her with a pointed look.

"You are getting married tomorrow and it would be back luck for him to see you before the wedding. He will stay at the inn."

Grace was about to argue further but Vince politely tipped his head at the determined woman. "You're right, ma'am," he admitted graciously. "I will stay in my mother and father's room for tonight," he added with a glance toward Grace.

Grace was busy trying to remind herself that Vince was hers, he was loyal and he wouldn't betray her. She was trying very hard to not think about what could happen with he and Brittany in the same inn for the night.

"Grandma, go to your room and get ready for bed. I'll be there in just a minute to help you," Grace urged gently. Ester nodded and shuffled down the hall in her robe and slippers.

"What's wrong?" Vince asked, once they were alone.

"Nothing," Grace quickly replied.

"So that line between your eyebrows has nothing to do with the platypus?" Vince asked, raising his brow.

Grace shrugged and rubbed at her forehead. "I trust you and I'm not the jealous type."

"Good, because you have absolutely no reason to ever be jealous," Vince vowed as he pulled her into his arms and kissed her gently. "And I'll stay in my mother and father's room at the inn just to keep duck face from getting any ideas."

"You're on a roll with the names tonight, aren't you?" Grace asked with a smile.

Vince grinned. "You're a bad influence."

Grace smiled, kissed his lips one more time and pushed him gently toward the door. "Well go on if you're going, Mr. Big City. I have to get Grandma to bed."

"Give Ester an extra hug from me," Vince urged and Grace nodded, surprised to find herself getting choked up. She assumed it was just because she was already emotional and nervous about tomorrow. It wasn't everyday that a poor, struggling single mother from a middle of nowhere town married a real life prince charming.


Vince stopped at the door and turned just in time for Cadence to run into his arms and hug him around the waist. "What's wrong?" he asked her gently. "You know you're not supposed to get up once mommy and I tuck you in."

"I have a question," Cadence replied, swinging her princess gown around her legs as a crease formed on her brow.

Vince smiled and smoothed her blond hair from her cheeks. "What would that be?"

"When you marry my mommy will that make you my daddy?"

Vince felt his throat tighten and his eyes burn. The great business tycoon had been reduced to tears by a question from the most innocent nine year old he had ever met. "Um..." Vince swallowed hard and blinked rapidly in an attempt to stop any of those tears from rolling down his cheeks. He hadn't cried in his entire adult life and he didn't want to start now--not with Grace watching on.

"Are you okay, Vince?" Cadence whispered. "Did I make you sad?" Her pudgy hand came up and wiped at his cheek and Vince realized he hadn't been as successful at stemming those tears as he'd hoped.

"I'm not sad, Cadence. You didn't make me sad," he assured the girl as he laid his hand over her cheek. "You just made me really happy."

Cadence giggled. "You cry when you're happy?"

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