Chapter Seventeen

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Chapter Seventeen

"Today is the day," Vince stated with trepidation. "I have to pick my mother and father up at the airport."

He stretched out on the bed and Grace snuggled deeper into his embrace as she glanced at the clock. "You being here is having a very bad effect on my workout routine," she mused, realizing it was already six o'clock and she would have to get Cadence up and ready for school soon.

Vince's teeth grazed her neck and he winked. "I think I can come up with a way to get your heart rate up a bit."

Grace trembled as she swatted his arm. "Stop that!" Grace scolded. "I have things to do. Cadence has to go to school and I have to run the booth."

"I guess you're right," Vince conceded with a sigh. "I can't be late to pick them up or I'll never hear the end of it."

"What will your mother say when she knows you're staying here with me?" Grace wondered.

"Nothing if she knows what's good for her," Vince replied. "Besides, if I wasn't here then the monsters might get Cadence," he added with a sleepy smile.

Grace kissed him lightly and climbed out of the bed. "You've come a long way from hiding all of that from me," Vince said, his eyes roaming over her naked body. She gave him a wicked grin and then pulled on her thick cotton robe.

"That's okay," Vince growled as he rose from the bed and Grace felt her mouth go dry at the sight of him. "I remember what everything under that robe looks like."

"That's good because you won't be seeing it again for a while," Grace informed him.

Vince frowned. "And why not?"

"Because I want your mom to think I'm a decent woman so you'll have to stay at the inn while they're here."

"But we're getting married so why does it matter?" Vince asked with a pout.

"It matters to me," Grace replied.

"Fine but if that's how you feel then we're getting married this weekend."

Grace laughed. "What?"

Vince crossed his arms over his chest. "You heard me."

"Vince, a wedding can't be planned in three or four days."

"Yes it can," Vince countered. "You've already said you want to wear your grandmother's dress. I know that Mavis could get those alterations done by Sunday and would be happy to do it if you asked her. Meg could supply the food and I know that flowers are easy enough to get." Vince smiled. "You said you wanted simple and simple can be done in three or four days."

"You're serious, aren't you?" Grace gasped. "You want to marry me this weekend?"

"Of course I'm serious. You already know how I feel about you and as far as I'm concerned any time we spend waiting is time wasted."

"And you really want back in my bed, right?" Grace teased.

Vince grinned. "There's that too." He walked to her and dropped down to his knee.

Grace felt a flush cover her cheeks. "You do realize that you're still naked don't you?"

Vince winked as he took her hands in his. "That's all part of my master plan to coerce you into saying yes."

"It's quite effective," Grace admitted with a smile. Being this openly attracted to and teasing with a man was still something new to her and she was still attempting to get used to it.

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