Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter Fourteen

"I'm gonna get soaked!" Cadence exclaimed as they pulled into the driveway and rain pelted against the car.

"Not me," Ester taunted as she sat wrapped in Vince's suit jacket which had been rolled into a ball and tossed in the backseat.

"Mommy!" Cadence whined.

Grace sighed and laid her head back against the seat. "It's okay, gremlin. Mommy will get you dry clothes when we get inside."

"But...." Cadence persisted.

"Cadence," Grace warned.

Vince shook his head. "If she gets wet she might get sick."

Grace was about to argue that Cadence would be just fine but the sight of Vince's thick fingers undoing the buttons on his flannel shirt caused all arguments to die on her tongue. She saw the muscles in his broad shoulders working as he slid the shirt down his arms. Grace felt her mouth go completely dry as she took in the sight of him. She hadn't been aware that they made big city businessmen that looked like that....

His shoulders were broad, his chest was wide and strong before tapering down to lean hips. He had a light dusting of black hair across his chest and another patch just below his belly button with a trail that led....Grace forced her eyes back up as her face flamed red.

This man was built like a Greek statue. He was chisled and so perfect, it nearly hurt to look at him. There was a small scar on his shoulder and a mole on about the third ab down. Grace licked her lips and realized she was drooling. Vince didn't seem to notice the effect he was having on her as he twisted in his seat, (emphasizing those muscles) and wrapped Cadence in his shirt.

"Time sure has been good to you, George," Ester noted.

Color stained Vince's cheeks as he turned back around. "Uh.. Thanks Ester," he mumbled. He glanced over and caught Grace's eye and she knew there was no way she would be able to hide her desire for him and so she quickly looked away and put her hand on the door handle.

"It's time to brave the flood," she muttered, not looking forward to the soaking they were going to get.

"I'll carry Cadence if you help Ester," Vince replied.

Grace simply nodded in response without looking his way. Looking at him caused her body to heat and her thighs to clench. It was a temptation she had not felt since she'd been a teenager and it was stronger somehow than she could ever remember it being.

Grace threw open her door and hopped out. The rain soaked her nearly instantly. She opened the back door of Vince's rental car and helped Ester out, keeping Vince's jacket over her grandmother's head. She saw Vince scoop Cadence out of the other side and they all dashed up to the house as quickly as they could.

It was after eight and Cadence and Ester were exhausted so Grace decided it was a good time for bed. She shook out her wet hair and pointed down the hall without looking at Vince who was standing with his hip propped against the counter and his arms crossed over his chest. "I'm going to get them changed and in bed. I'll be back out in a while."

"Okay," he replied.

Grace noticed his voice seemed tight but she didn't dare let her eyes fall on him for fear she'd either melt to a puddle on the spot or throw him down and make love to him on her worn, white linoleum floor. Quickly, Grace shoved those thoughts aside and ushered her daughter and grandmother down the hall.


Vince leaned against the counter and breathed deeply through his nose, fighting his own inner battle with desire. Grace's yellow sundress, (the same one that she'd wore to church and he suspected the only one she owned), had become thoroughly soaked in the rain and had been clinging to every inch of her body. Her auburn hair had been wet and sticking to her face and droplets of water had been running in rivlets down her bare arms and legs.

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