"When this war is over..."

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A/N : So, one of my favourite Japanese Vocaloid Producers Utata-P released a new song called “A Wonderful Flag-Less World” in which basically every story has a happy ending, and it’s pretty funny. Anyway, I was listening to it, and I couldn’t help but want to write a bunch of SpideyPool fics about it. I mean, I can see Deadpool doing all this stuff, the bastard.

So I’ll do each ‘story’ (there’s nine of them, but they’re only two lines each so…), yeah I’ll put the two lines in bold italics, one at the start, one at the end. Because I’d hate to give away the punchline before the ending. 

I got the lyrics from descentsubs youtube page, -https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kf9d8fbEKd8, which has all the details, and you guys should give it a listen.

So yeah, enjoy!!


“When this war is over, I’m going to marry her!” is what he said…

‘I’m going to ask him out.’

[We’re in a battle]

‘I know. Afterwards.’

[We’re in Canada.]

‘I know. I’ll catch a plane.’

[We’re missing an arm.]

‘I kn-seriously?’ Deadpool cast a worried look at his arm, and then looked around, trying to locate his arm while he fought off the next wave of unoriginal and unidentifiable henchmen. ‘When did that happen?’

His yellow box sighed. [Does it even matter?]

‘No, I just like to keep track of these things.’ He perked up. ‘There it is!’ He jumped over one of the men and picked it up.

“Batter’s up!” he called and used his arm to knock over one of his enemies, and (as per usual with the grunts) the man collapsed and didn’t move. “Who’s next?” he crowed, delighted with his familiar toy.

The men all gave each other nervous looks. “Aw, guys,” Deadpool smirked. “Don’t worry,” he waved his arm at them, “I’ll go easy on you.”

The men’s expressions darkened at that, and they leapt toward him.


Deadpool scratched at his arm idly. He’d been able to reattach it in time, luckily. Growing new limbs was a bitch.

“Drink sir?” asked the airline hostess. Deadpool looked over the selection and frowned to himself. She smiled politely back, though he could see her confusion at the man who was completely covered, head to toe, not an inch of skin showing, despite being half an hour into the flight.

‘Beer?’ he asked the yellow box, which he had decided to completely trust in this new endeavour of theirs.

[Yes, turning up drunk on his door is the best way for someone to ask another person out]

Deadpool pouted. “Coke please.”


Deadpool caught his reflection on the glass panes lining the window of the airport. He fixed his hoodie idly.

‘Looking good.’

The yellow box was silent.


Deadpool was bored. ‘Where is he??!’  he complained.

[Perhaps he’s not coming]

‘But this is his house.’

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