Chapter 13

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The next two months fly past exceedingly better then expected. Harry and I's secret relationship still stayed a secret with the exception of Tasha, and a friend of Harry's I still have yet to meet named Niall. My driving lessons with Liam are still ongoing as I have been constantly cancelling due to Harry's unplanned dates which he says spontaneous dates are better. To which brings me to where we presently are now.

It's a Friday evening and I'm meant to be having my fifth driving lesson with Liam however as I was changing I hear ticking sounds at my bedroom window, and I look out only to find Harry who tried to be romantic by throwing rocks at my window. But key word 'tried' as he didn't hear me opening my window resulting in him throwing a tiny rock right at my forehead. After screaming at him and him apologising none stop. He had convinced me to cancel my lesson and climb out and join him to watch a movie at a cinema out of town. Which is where we are right now. We're both in a row at the back as we sit as close as we can together and while he holds a bucket of sweet popcorn, I'm stuffing my face with a hotdog. And right now Johnny Depp is on the screen while he runs around on a pirate ship.

"I love Johnny Depp so much." I groan quietly while biting into my hotdog. Harry's eyes dart to mine about to reply before he sees the seductive look I give him while biting my hotdog. He gulps heavily before turning his eyes toward the screen again.

"I'm better then Johnny Depp." He whispers with a hint of jealousy in his voice, eyes still on the screen in front of us. I silently giggle at his reaction. "He's not even good looking." He whispers again.

I scoff at that, "Are you kidding me look at him." I look back towards the screen seeing Depp's face full of dirt and makeup for his character. "Okay maybe not in here. But he looks so sexy in Cry-baby" Harry just laughs at me, pulling me closer to him with his arm across my shoulder.

Once the movie ends he suggests to get dinner, and as a food lover I couldn't refuse. So he drives us to a fancy restaurant he took his mother to the other week and he wanted me to try it also. Walking in I could already tell the prices would be the same amount my house costs. The restaurant was astounding, the tables were decorated with cream candles and cute flowers pots, in the centre of the ceiling hung a huge chandelier which dropped with what looked like the best cut diamonds and made from white gold.

Once the waiter had sat us down, asking what we'd like to drink Harry immediately asked for a bottle of white wine. While I gazed around the restaurant taking everything in, he took his jacket off and neatly rolled the sleeves to his shirt up, then leaning his forearms upon the table eyes studying me as I take in my extravagant surrounding a smile graced on his face.

"You like it?" He asks fiddling with his rings on his fingers. He's nervous.

"Now I know why you forced me to dress nice." I smile looking back at him while thinking back to when he forced me to change out of my joggers and to wear a dress instead with my constant nagging of asking why I need to wear a dress to the movies. "You had this all planned you little shit." He laughs softly. "Its amazing, thank you Harry."

He takes my hands in his lifting them to place a soft kiss on the back of my hand. "Anything for you."

The waiter comes back with the bottle of wine, still unprofessionally batting her eyelashes while speaking to Harry, however he keeps his eyes on me while replying hardly giving her the attention she's asking for. Soon enough we've finished our main course while we chatted non stop amongst each other about anything and everything. Which is what I love about us, we never run out of things to speak about.

"Are you excited for Monday?" He asks.

"Yes Mr Styles I cannot wait to show everyone's parents that it's fine to change yourself for a dumbass guy." I state sarcastically taking a sip of my wine.

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