Chapter 5

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The week went by torturously slow. I had made up with my mother that day we argued and assured her it was okay to get with Mr Miller. Which she was highly grateful for however she didn't let me off with destroying Mr Styles car. She had taken time to write a chore list for me everyday.

Mr Styles however was another story. After the he told me about his father, I felt for him. Sympathetically, I think. However I felt my stomach flip whenever he spoke in class. My breath hitching whenever our eyes make contact.

After thanking me the next day for cleaning his car. We had gotten a lot more comfortable with each other. We would always catch each others eyes during class and give each other cheeky smiles. On Wednesday he had given me his apple in the morning and I don't know why but I think it was to do with the first time I spoke about the colour red, because of the smirk on his face as he handed it over to me.

Right now it was Friday morning and we were all sitting in class. Harry was up front explaining the play we're going to perform for the next two months. Grease.

As he spoke I took my time to examine him. Today he was wearing a tight cream coloured shirt, the buttons at the top were undone showing his chest which revealed abit of his hidden tattoo. His hands were clad with a couple of rings. He's legs covered by tight fitted black jeans. As soon as I realise that I'm checking my teacher out I quickly shake my head getting rid of the thoughts I was having of him in my head.

He started handing out scripts. As he got closer to me I could smell his aftershave again. Still trying to figure out why it smells so familiar. He soon reaches me, leaning close towards me making sure there's no space between our touching shoulders.

"I think you will really like your role. Come to me at the end if you don't like it. Or even if you do like it." He says cheekily. 

I look up at him waking away with an amused smile. What has gotten into him? I giggle to myself.

I seem to be giggling a lot lately which is surprisingly weird for me. I never giggle. I hardly even smile as much as I have recently either. Which is what Tasha had pointed out the day before.

The bell rings and everyone exits for lunch. I tell Tasha I'll meet her in the canteen later on, which she nods her head at and leaves.

I take a seat on top of the table in front of Mr Styles' desk once the last person exits. "I don't think Sandy is a good role for me." I state.

He raises his eyebrow taking a seat behind his desk. "And why is that?" I shrug with a cheeky smile. "Well then maybe I can give you Rizzo then. Would you like to be a knocked up teenager?" He asks jokingly.

"Well I mean technically she doesn't actually get pregnant." I say rolling my eyes and jumping of the table to drag a chair over towards his desk. "But her role would be a lot more perfect for me." I tell him while taking a seat.

"I thought you'd be happy getting the main role?" He asks confusingly.

I squeal like a little girl in my head. "I am don't get me wrong however playing Rizzo is a lot more easier for me to do. I mean, she's a bitch, I'm a bitch. Sandy's too innocent, that which I definitely am not. You get my drift?"

"Well then think of this as a challenge. You have to change your whole personality while acting as Sandy. I mean that is what acting is." He says while his eyes stay connected to mine.

I hum in agreement, "Touché."
Its quiet for a while. Both of us staring at each other.

"You're so beautiful." He mutters before widening his eyes.

"What?" I ask.

"What?" He says tying to brush it off.

"You called me beautiful?" I smile.

"No I didn't" he shakes his head like a child. "No clue what you're talking about."

I chuckle at him getting out of my seat to lean down on his desk. His eyes move down to my chest. "The colour pink is beautiful Mr Styles. Red however is sexy."

I lean away, walking towards the door to leave. I stop in front of the door, turning back to him, just in time to see him raise his eyes away from my bottom "And I despise the colour pink Sir" I smirk walking out.

Sorry Sir (H.S)Where stories live. Discover now