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This chapter is inspired by the episode in S.U where they first met. Barnmates, I think. So most of the scenes are from that episode.

Chapter 00: Can we be friends?

"Peridot 5XG, logging off.", i turned off my recorder.

Today, has been a boring day here in planet earth. After, insulting the Yellow Diamond, ive become a traitor, one of these... These Crystal clods, i mean gems. I cant go back to homeworld without getting shattered by Yellow diamond.

My thoughts were interupted by Steven's loud voice.


"A surprise? Steven!"

Holding the recorder in my hand, I went close to Steven to see what he has for me.

"Heyy, Peridot. Youve got a new barnmate!"

"Barnmate? What is this, barnmate?"

"Youll have someone else to stay with you."

Who could that be?

"Lapis, come in !"

Oh, its a Lapis. Wait, a Lapis?

Just outside the door was Steven and beside him was the Lapis Lazuli. The Lapis that i brought to interrogate.

"You?", she pointed at me. "Steven, I actually thought I would live alone.", and she glared at me, past Steven.

"Oh, Peridot? Shes nice now."

Right now, I must be smiling like an idiot.

"Im sorry Steven. I cant stay here."

"Is it the hole in the wall? After its fixed, the place will be good as new."

Steven took out a marker and started writing on the floor.

"Lets do it like this. Peridot has her own side of the barn, Lapis, you take the other."

OMG! She has the tractor and the paintcans.

"Your side of the room is amazing! You have the tractor, the paintcans. Actually, can I have the paint cans?", i ask with excitement in my face.

"I dont care about paintcans. Anyway, Steven. Thanks but im gonna go somewhere."

She left.

"Im sorry, Peridot. Why dont we jus-"

"Steven! We are going on mission. Garnet cant wait anymore.", amethyst calls.

"WAIT FOR ME! Im sorry, Peridot.", and with that he took off.

ARGHH!! For the second time, I feel "small" again.

I went out of the barn to look for Lapis.

"Lapis! Where are you!?""

After minutes of walking, I finally found her sitting on top of the sillo.

"Lapis! Lapis!"

"Im not going down there! Not with you!", she replied.

Argh!! Why is she so difficult?!

"Can we just talk? Please?!"

She went down and was finally a foot away from me.

"Finally. Look Lapis, I know why youre so mad at me but can we just forget abou-"

"Forget? You imprisoned me and used me!"

"Look. Im sorry. Here, I got you a gift.", I said. Smiling nervously, I handed her the recorder.

"What is this?", holding the recorder.

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