Chapter 6

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A/N: Hello once again. It is currently 2am and I am having a sudden urge to write while waiting for the Sims game to load. 

Louis Pov:

It was a really long week but I pushed through knowing that my date with Harry would be on Saturday. I had to work on three different cases. It was so exhausting I never want to do it again even though I know I will probably have to but I assume that after each one I do they will become easier to complete.

Now that our date has happened I'm very happy about it. It was everything I could have imagined it to be. He picked me up at 10am and we took a taxi to the Statue of Liberty. He held my hand as we walked up all the stairs and put his arm around me as we looked out into the sea. 

In between we talked about anything we could think of. There was never a dull moment the whole day. We just kind of clicked and that feels better than anything else I could ever imagine. Next we hit the 9/11 Memorial Museum. We both teared up a little at the sight of it. Even though I'm not from the states I still find it incredibly sad that all those people died that way. I wouldn't wish that against my worst enemy.

After we left the museum we started walking towards Central Park, keeping our eyes out for a deli near by so we could get lunch. We stop at a place called Zabar's. After a ten minute wait in line we make our way to the cashier carrying a meat and cheese tray we got out of the fridge on the left side of the shop. We also order some croissants everyone seemed to be raving about. 

We sit on the ground in the park while we eat. We talk and laugh as we watch the grown ups and children run around the park, like its the best time they've ever had. Coming to the park was definitely a good idea after visiting such a sad museum.

We found a frisbee laying by a tree. No one else was claiming it so we took it and threw it back and forth. Harry was pretty good at the game but as for me I was all rubbish. It was a nice sight to see him running after that round disc when I threw it too far.

The rest of the day we just went to an art museum and went to see the Empire State Building. All in all it was a great day and a great first date. At the end Harry walked me to my door and before I

 went in he kissed me good night. It wasn't a long kiss just a peck on the lips but it was so amazing. It felt like sparks just flew between us. I hope he felt it too. 

I went into my apartment and leaned against the door until I could think straight again. Then I took a shower and here I am laying in my bed unable to sleep because I can't stop thinking of the amazing day it was and how amazing that man makes me feel.

Harry POV:

I couldn't use any negative words about that day even if I tried my hardest. It was wonderful and perfect. Louis is just perfect. We explored the city for most of the day. It was just what I needed after this week of dealing with Kevin harassing me about forgiving him. 

Turns out he blew me off because his ex came to town out of no where. I just kept telling him I wasn't going to forgive him and I didn't want to be friends anymore. I guess he finally listened to me since he quit on Friday. I'm secretly glad because it makes my life a lot easier.

That guy is not even worth a thought. I know. Louis is though. The way his tiny hand felt in mine was pure ecstasy. And the way his lips felt on mine when I kissed him good night was simply amazing. I know I should take things slow because I really barely know this guy but I think I'm in love. I know things like being in love should take time but I never really understood why if the other person could be the one to give you everything you have ever wanted. 

Why not go straight to trusting that person if you truly believe they would value that information? And I think Louis really would like to know how I really feel. I don't think he would treat me like Kevin ever did. He is way to sweet and nice and beautiful to ever act like that.

I think I will tell him. Maybe on our next date. Or then again maybe I should wait, don't want to scare the lad off. Yes,  I will wait until the time is right. 

I'm getting so tired. It has been the longest day. I guess its time to jump in the shower and hit the hay. Watch some tv from my bed maybe and think about Louis as I drift off to sleep.

A/N: I started writing this months ago and am just now finishing it because I suck and never have any time to do anything. Being an adult and working a full time job sucks too, so don't grow up kids. It's a huge trap.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2014 ⏰

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