Chapter 3

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A/N: Hello to anyone who may be reading this. It only took me about a month to actually write this but oh well. I hope you enjoy or not. I won't tell you how to live your life! :D

Louis POV:

I wake up when my alarm goes off at 6am. Waking up this early is starting to weigh on me but this job, my dream job is so worth the struggle. I can't explain the joy I feel when I'm helping to save the earth. I turn off my alarm and head to the shower.

I get out of the shower and dress in a dark grey suit. I grab a cup of coffee from the kitchen and head out the door. It amazes me that even at 7am this city is awake. Makes me wonder if the crowds of people on the streets ever die down.

The best thing to do on the walk to work I have found is people watch. There is always something new to see in the crowds. Today I have seen two of the funniest people. The first one was a guy in a robe. I don't have any idea where he was headed in said robe but it made me laugh. The second was a lady in a pickle suit. It was a very realistic costume but was still very funny to look at.

When I arrive at the office I say hi to the lady at the front desk, her name is Jannet and we've sorta become friends in the passed few days, then I get on the elevator and head to my office. On the way I see Liam. 

"Hi, Louis! Hows it going today?" He says.

"Its pretty good, thanks for asking. How is your morning?" I asked him.

He replies, "My morning has been a little stressful. Zayn started his new job today so he was a bit worried this morning but I think he is going to be great."

"I'm sure he will be great! I will talk to you later, have to get to work." I say.

I sit down at my desk and begin to work on the mound of paper work I have to do in preparation for a meeting with a client at 1. 

By the time I take an early lunch at 11:30 I have all of the information programmed into my head. I'm so ready for this client meeting. My first meeting with a client. Its so exciting to actually get to do what I have dreamed to do my whole life.

Harry POV:

Work was extremely boring today. We only had one costumer so I was stocking the shelves and organizing records all day long. Its so much more fun when you are looking through the records to find something for a costumer. From day to day the amount of costumers that come in vary so we have to do the hard stuff like bringing out records from the back and organizing the ones spread around the store.

Kevin and I went to lunch together at 12:30. We went to this little deli that is right across the street. When we got there I said, "Kevin what are you getting? I'm feeling generous today?"

He tried to argue with me but in the end I won and he accepted the free food. We chatted while we are our food and when we were done Kevin turned to me, I was worried for about half a second because he looked very nervous, and said, "Hey, do you want to go to that Broadway show tonight? I've got two tickets to the Lion King. It starts at 7:00."

I thought about it for a second and said, "I would love too! I was planning on hanging out with Liam and Zayn tonight but this will be more fun."

He smiled and said, "Great, its a date!"

We head back to the rest of a boring day at work. I clock out at 5:00 and head back to the apartment and prepare for my date.

Louis POV:

The meeting with my first client starts in ten minutes. I'm so ready for this meeting I just need to relaxe so I will do well. My heart is racing with nervousness but I know I will do well. I head to the conference room and set up my research. I plug my laptop in to the big screen and set up the posters I had made. There is five minutes now, I just need to sit down and wait for representatives from the Wildlife Savers Company to arrive. 

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