Chapter 4

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A/N: I'm so sorry for not starting this sooner.  I could lie to you and blame it on school but no Netflix is the only one to blame here. Hope you enjoy! :D

Harry POV:

Finally its Saturday and I don't have to work again until Tuesday. I'm glad for this fact because of recent events. Kevin just didn't turn out to be the person I thought he was. He never even texted or called to tell me what was going on, he just stood me up. It is going to be hard to work with him but I'm pushing my feelings aside, letting them go because I can't have feelings for someone who would stand me up like that. I'm moving on.

That Louis guy seems pretty chill. I'm seriously condsidering asking him out on a date for next week. Just the two of us, that'd be nice. I could hold his hand and tell him how pretty he looks. Woah Harold, calm down, you've just met the guy. 

I hop out of bed deciding its time to get up for the day. I enter the kitchen to the smell of bacon and eggs my favorite. I eat half the pan despite Liam's protests and get to the shower. When I'm done I pratically run out the front door.

I pass on getting coffee and head straight for central park. I've yet to go there since we moved here. It's beautiful, the greenest leaves you've ever seen hang from every tree and everyone seems to have pure happiness from the moment they enter the gates. 

Theres families having picnics on the ground and dogs running after frisbees. And children giggling with their friends. I feel the happiness join me as I walk through the park and I forget about the pain I felt just the night before. I forget about Kevin and his lies, I just forget. 

I stay there for about an hour. While walking back to the apartment I feel very refreshed. I may have to make weekly trips to the park in order to stay happy with the way my life is going. I'm just a block from the apartment when I see Kevin.

He is standing there and I hope he doesn't see me but of course he does. I decide to be the bigger person and as soon as he tries to speak to me I say, "I don't want to speak to you, please leave me alone." and I walk away.

In the block I have left to walk I try my best to get myself back together and I think I succeed. The smile returns to my face and I get that refreshed feeling back. 

I walk into the apartment to find it empty. Liam and Zayn seem to have gone somewhere so I have the place to myself. I flop onto the couch with the remote and change the channel to my favorite show Gilmore Girls. I drift off to sleep as I watch the mother and daughter prance through Starshallow.

Louis POV:

Its my first Saturday in New York, I should be exploring the city but no I'm laying here in my bed watching tv. Theres a marathon of Gilmore Girls on and nothing, I repeat nothing is going to make me leave this show right now. 

I plan on staying at this job for awhile, so theres so much more time to explore the city. I'll start next weekend. Maybe Harry and I can go exploring together, Yeah, that sounds like it would be a good time. We could go see the Statue of Liberty and the Empire State Building. We could have have a picnic in Central Park and then hit a few of the popular museums around town. Just friends hanging out or maybe more than friends, I'd like that.

I'm probably thinking too far ahead in this relationship. I barely even know this guy but I feel butterflies when he's around. These uncotrollable butterflies like were meant to be together, like I could see the rest of my life play out with this man. We'd move in with each other after the shortest time and then after a few months he'd ask me to marry him because even though our time has been short we just know these feelings mean we should be together forever. I say yes and we start planning the wedding.

Then some day after we've been together for many years we adopt a child. One, thats so beautiful and even though it is not our child biologically I swear it will have his smile. And it will grow up with two loving dads. Then someday way in the future we'll live together in our nursing home and we'll fight about the stupidest things because it's our only intertainment. But, I'll still know I love him because he will still make me laugh every day.

It's way too early for these thoughts but I can't help but think about them. I don't even know how he feels about me. I push the thoughts to the side and snuggle up into the blankets as I get back into the show. I watch my favorite charaters walk around the screen but deep down I'm still thinking about him.

A/N: This is very short I know but I wanted to post it before bed! I will write again either tomorrow, if not this weekend. Have a fantabulous day!

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