Chapter 5

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Harry POV:

I wake up around 3:00pm to some game show I hate playing on the television and decide to go see if Louis is home. I'm walking down his hall when his door opens and he steps out. He gives me a puzzled look and say, "Oh hello Harry, I was just on my way to see you."

I smile at him as he lets me into the apartment and say, "Great minds think alike!"

He laughs and says, "Anyways, I was just coming to ask you if you'd like to go out with me sometime as more than friends if that is okay with you?"

I stared at him as if he'd just read my mind because I had made the trip over here to ask him the same thing. He had apparently become impatient with my stare and no answer and said, "sooo?"

I laughed at him and said, "Yes, I'd love too and actually, I was just coming over here to ask you the exact same thing!"

"Ohhh, great minds really do think alike or at least we really do!' he said as he gave me a lovely smile. I could really like this man and it's so cute the way he smiles at me, like he doesn't know how perfect he really is. I just want to tell him how perfect he is every chance I get. I want to make sure he knows because of how nice he truly is, he deserves to have his happiness.

I barely even know this man yet here I am making assumptions about who he is. I know from previous heartbreaks that I shouldn't do this but I believe everyone has good in them somewhere. 

I'm broken from my thoughts when I hear, "Earth to Harry, where did you go?"

"Oh, I'm here, I'm here." I say to him. He gives me that smile again and I laugh at him and continue, "Do you want to come over? Liam and Zayn should be back some time soon and we can all hang out."

He replies, "I'd love to lets go!"

We we get to the apartment Louis flops onto the couch and bounces off to the floor. I nearly die from laughing and slowly fall to the floor. Were both still giggling hysterically when Liam and Zayn decide to walk in the front door. They both stop and just stare at us laying on the ground. They give us the 'What is even happening right now look" and laugh a little before actually asking the words aloud.

We explained the ordeal and then Liam asked if any one was hungry for dinner. He is always cooking for us so I say, "How about I order us pizza or maybe some Chinese food? You're always cooking for us Li and I think everyone here would agree you deserve a break!"

Liam gives me a blessed look and smiles saying, "Thanks Harry. Now the two of you decide what it will be, pizza or Chinese?" 

They look at each other and back at us. Louis says pizza at the same moment Zayn says Chinese. They look back at one another and look back at the two of us once again. This time Louis says Chinese and Zayn blurts out pizza. 

Liam and I just stare at the two of them dumbfoundedly. Having no idea how the hell they had just done that I say, "hokay pizza it is then?" 

They laugh and nod at me. I go order that pizza and the guy on the phones says it will be delivered in 22 minutes. I peak my head in the living room and find it to be empty. I then head to the kitchen and find them setting up the life game once again. This may just have to be a tradition we set in place for when we all hang out. 

We're all past the church when there's a knock on the door, the pizza guy. I pay the man and take the boxes back to the kitchen. We each get a slice and continue with our game.  After a few more turns I realise I'm rocking this game. I have 15 life times and huge stacks of money. I'm not sure how I'm doing this but its fine with me. 

By the end of the game I have a huge sum of cash as well as a car load of children to go with it. I win the game again and the guys threaten me saying next time one of them will win. I laugh because I didn't even try to win that game. I take the last piece of pizza and throw the boxes away. Once I'm done eating I ask Louis if he would like to go on a walk around the block. 

He says, yes and we head out the door. Once were outside I ask him, "So how are you liking New York and your new job?"

"Oh I just love it here. It's os pretty especially right now when its dark. The lights look so cool. Also, I just love walking to work every day. The amount of strange people you can see in a matter of a few minutes is really crazy but also very impressive. And my job is perfect. Its everything I've ever wanted to do. I can see myself staying there for a long time." he says to me. 

I smile and reply to him, "That really is great. I'm glad you're enjoying yourself."

"Oh and you just started working a new job also, how has that been?" he asks.

I do a quick over of everything that has happened since I started working there and say, "It's pretty good working there. I get to listen to music and sort through old records all day, it is great. I also get paid a decent amount to do it, I just love working there."

"I'm also glad you're enjoying yourself Harry! I thought it would be really hard moving here where I did not know a soul but I feel like I've known the three of you for some time now. It's great that I've met great people to be friends with. Thank you for being my friend." Louis says to me. 

I feel a little bit of joy when I here this man imply that he really does like me. It's great I like him too and I know Liam and Zayn do too. Before we know it were back at the front door of the apartment building. We enter and go our separate ways saying our goodbyes.

I head straight to bed when I see that Liam and Zayn have already headed there. It's not even 11:00pm on a Saturday and were already in bed. Were probably the only ones our age not in a bar consuming alcohol right now but I wouldn't pick anyone else to have as my bestfriends. 

A/N: This is not much longer but its nearly midnight and I have class at 8am. The next chapter will be more interesting and hopefully way longer. Goodnight! :D

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