nine - Hølding Øn Tø Yøu

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I had a heart attack when I woke up and it was all gone

You read my message right?

Yeah. Thanks for doing that.

So what is it?

Just a random part of a song I got in my head and needed to remember

Ohh. What song is it?

Oh I meant like it was an idea for a song for me to write.

You write songs???

Yeah. You haven't noticed all the stuff I write on myself?

I used to ignore it and pretend it wasn't there

You would wash it off too. I lost some good ideas because of you.

Sorry. I just didn't want to know you.

Because having a male soulmate means you're gay





I'm talking to a gay person and not treating him like a freak of nature and you ask me if I'm homophobic?

So the answer is no


You're being vague

Okay here goes. If I was gay my parents might grow to hate me. Most of my extended family would shun me. I would lose my girlfriend (duh). Honestly over half the people I know from school would hate me and probably beat me up a few times a day. I'd be the butt of most jokes.

I know


I'm gay. I get that all.

Not to be rude, but is that why you're so depressing?

I'm also depressed. Yeah that's part of the reason

Are there other reasons?

No, I just have absolutely no reason for how selfishly depressed I am

Josh noticed that whenever Tyler was sarcastic, it was because he was being defensive. It was his way of avoiding the conversation. You don't have to tell me. I was just trying to help. I think.

Everyone thinks they can help. Everyone is wrong.

Not everyone

It was a hyperbole

Did you realize we just jumped from being lighthearted to being heavy?

Are you calling me fat? Just kidding. But you're the one who brought up depression.

I did

Nobody else knows except you.

Really? Nobody notices?

If they cared, they would notice.

I guess I care then?

You only notice because I show you

And because you cut my arms open in the middle of the night.

I'll have you know you're what's keeping me clean

That's good.

If you hated me, that would be another story

I'm glad I don't hate you

I'm glad I don't hate you either

Now that we've established that |-/

Yeah I'm at school so bye




if you're getting confused as to who is talking, please tell me and i can put indications of it. i'm just lazy right now.

Markings on My Skin (Joshler)Where stories live. Discover now