three - Taken by Sleep

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(trigger warning: mentions self harm, nothing graphic, talks a bit about depression but what were you expecting from a TØP fic?)

Josh awoke later that night to a burning on his arm. He grabbed his wrist, but the burning persisted. He flicked the light on and looked at his wrist. There was a cut across the inside of his wrist, but it wasn't bleeding for some reason. Josh stared at it, horrified. Then he realized what it must be.



What? The handwriting was messier than before.

What are you doing?

Wait am I cutting you too??

Well there's a cut, but no blood. It's kind of freaky.

Oh. I'm sorry. Does it hurt?

Yes. A lot. So please stop. I'm trying to sleep.

I'm really sorry
I didn't mean to hurt you
I just meant to hurt myself
I'm sorry
Just go to sleep

Josh started feeling sympathy. Why did Tyler want to hurt himself? He wondered if Tyler needed help. If he was self-harming, he definitely needed help, but Josh didn't know how exactly. Why are you cutting?

Oh, now you care

You don't have to tell me

It's stupid
I'm stupid

Do you want to tell me?

You're going to think I'm stupid

Well try at least

You didn't want to be my friend
And it was my fault
For bothering you
For being gay
For being your soulmate
For persisting
And guess what
I'm making you feel guilty for rejecting me
Because you're what caused me to feel this way
And I don't want you to feel guilty
Because then you'll be my friend out of pity
And pity friends suck
So yeah.

Sorry was all Josh could think to write

See what I mean?




Josh dropped the pen on his floor and lay back down. For some reason, he couldn't get back to sleep. It wasn't the pain. He was just concerned for Tyler. He wondered what Tyler was doing, and if he was alright.

Markings on My Skin (Joshler)Where stories live. Discover now