twø - Time tø Say Gøødbye

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Hello Josh
Can I bother you again tonight
You literally made me really happy last night
Like my thoughts were kind of bringing me down
But then you brought me back up again
And you barely said anything
I had an idea

Josh sighed. It looked like Tyler would bother him every night. He shouldn't have responded.

So right now, I'm nowhere near in love with you
And so what if
We were just friends
Like we're soulmates but we don't have to start there
We can be friends
Josh, I'm friend-zoning you
You can't be my boyfriend
I won't bring up being gay
I won't bring up soulmates
I'll just be your friend
Because no matter what, I'll always be stuck on your arm
Ha I just had a thought
Josh, this is your arm
I bring a message from the arteries in your hand
"We're going numb"
"Help us"
"Help us, Josh, help us."

My hand isn't numb

Josh! You were reading!


Did you read the part about friends?



And I don't really want to be friends with you.

Do you mind if I ask why?
Like is it because I'm gay?
Or because I'm persistently annoying?

I just don't really need a friend

So it's not beause I'm gay?


And it's not because I'm annoying?

You kind of are

I guess I just like having someone to talk to

Don't you have friends?

Y e s
But not ones I really talk to, you know?


So if I keep writing to you would you

Don't Josh interrupted him.


Josh felt bad for pushing Tyler away, but he was happy how he was. He didn't need a soulmate. He didn't need someone to talk to.

Markings on My Skin (Joshler)Where stories live. Discover now