A Bit Of Fangirling.

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Hey guys. Ok unless you've watched the latest episode of Shadowhunters. So not read ahead. There will be spoilers for the season two finale. Lol. Read at your own risk lol.

Ok so can I just say, the part when Jace was dying and Alec was feeling their Parabatai rune break. That was one of the saddest, yet well acted part I've seen yet. I just wanted to give Alec and hug.

The girl who Plays Clary did a fantastic job in this episode. Her reaction to Jace dying and attacking Valentine and killing him was awesome and she did a great job acting it out.

And finally Magnus came to his senses and realized he needs Alec. I thought this entire problem Magnus had was with Alec was very stupid. He overreacted in my opinion. Yay though. Malec is back together again. I was cheering for them. :-) :-)

Ok that's enough Fangirling for now lol. As for song parodies. I accept request and need a bit of help lol. My mind is blocked and I can't think of anything. So let me know if there's a song parody you want of something I know and I will write it and dedicate it to you. I will hopefully update again soon.

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