When I'm gone,( your gonna miss me when I'm gone.) song parody.

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A/N. Hey guys. I finally did a song parody for Harry Potter.

x_HeyItsNicole this one is dedicated to you. I hope you'll enjoy it.

Harry potters POV.

I met my friends on the Hogwarts train.
Ron and I bought candy on the way.
And I still can't believe my life is really changing
Thanks to Hagrid showing up that day

With her wand. With her wand. Hermione fixed my glasses with her wand. All she did was say a spell. If they were broke, you can't tell. I'll be learning that spell some day.

When I'm taught. When I'm taught. I will learn that spell when I'm taught. I'll be learning it like Hagrid, learning it like Hermione. Oh I'll be learning that spell when I'm taught.

Now we're at Hogwarts. What a awesome sight. It has the coolest of thing to see.

It's got dungeons, it's got trolls, it's got stories to be told, and the Headmasters name is Dumbledore.

With my wand. With my wand. I stopped a troll with my wand. It went into the bathroom and tried to kill Hermione, I stopped the troll with my wand.

With my wand. With my wand.  I can't wait to learn to do stuff with my wand. I'll learn hexes, I'll learn curses. Spells that will make you nervous. I'm Harry Potter don't you know

By my scar. By my scar. You will know me by my scar. It's the scar that I got stopping Voldemort that night. I'm Harry Potter now you know.

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