•Chapter Three•

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Chapter Three: This Summer
Zach's POV
It has been a week since the girls were added to the group chat. They were so nice to us! I'm glad that I got dared to add a fan into the group and she added two of her friends in it. In two days, the band was all going back to California. I decided to message them, in the group chat that was just us without the fans.
Zach: Hey.
Daniel: Hi.
Corbyn: Hello
Jack: Whass up?
Jonah: What do you want?
Daniel: Rude much? @ Jonah
Corbyn: 😂😂
Zach: I wonder where the girls live.
Jack: Same ^
Daniel: Same^^
Jonah: Where do think they live?
Corbyn: Idk...The middle of the Pacific Ocean probably.
Zach: 🙄😂 @ Corbyn
Daniel: Quit being stupid @ Corbyn
Jonah: He was trying to be funny
   **Zach left the group**
I messaged one of the girls, the one that I added into the chat.
Ray💞: Hey. I still can't get over the fact that I have WDW in my contacts.
Zach🙈: Lmao. So, we were wondering. Where do you live?
Ray💞: Idk..Narnia?
Zach🙈: Oh that's nice. Me too.
Ray💞: 😂😂
Zach🙈: What's wrong with us😂
Ray💞: Everything's wrong with me; nothing's wrong with you😂
Zach🙈: LIES^ probably vice versa.
Ray💞: LIES^^
Zach🙈: I wish I could meet you three in person. You're so nice. I wish we could meet every fan in person :)
Ray💞: Awww same.
Zach🙈: Can we FaceTime?
Ray💞: Nope.
Zach🙈: Why not?
Ray💞: Because. I already told you. You don't get to see what we look like yet.
Zach🙈: 😔😔

Ray's POV
I smiled at the messages. It was 6am. Ugh. I had to get up for school. I sighed, sitting up. My mom and dad weren't here. I looked around my room. Still a disaster. I plugged my phone in, threw the covers back, and got of bed. I stretched. I quietly went downstairs. "Annie." I shook her. "Wake up." She didn't budge. "RIANNE! WAKE UP!" I yelled in her ear. "What? What did I miss?" She asked, sitting up. I laughed. "It's the two days of school." "Oh yeah! Tomorrow is our last day." "Yep," I replied. Annie got up and then we went to the other couch to wake up JoJo. "JoJo, wake up." She didn't get up either. I sighed, rolling my eyes. "JOVIA!" I yelled at her. Nothing. I nodded at Annie and she knew exactly what to do.
Annie's POV
I went to the sink, turning the water on. I made sure it was ice cold. I grabbed a cup from the cabinet. I shook my head. Not good enough; it needed to be larger. I filled it up and brought it back into the living room. Then, I poured it on JoJo. She sat up. "What was that for?" She screeched. "You wouldn't get up." Ray grinned. "Ughhh." We went to the kitchen and ate breakfast and then we got ready for school.
JoJo's POV
We just got to school. I couldn't wait for tomorrow; It was our last day of school. *ding* I checked my phone. Annie and Ray's phones made the same sound as mine. We already knew who it was. We unlocked our phones.
Corbyn🤘🏼: What are you guys doing?? You're boring.
Annie💕: Um.. We are at school.
Ray💘: Um...no. We said it for our own health.
Zach🙃: 😂😂
JoJo😛: It's not a big deal @ Daniel
Jonah😍: Yeah, Zach still does school but online @ Daniel
Jack💗: Well turn your phones off before we get you in trouble.
Zach🙃: Yeah don't get in trouble bc of us
I slid my phone into my back pocket and sighed. It was gonna be along day without texting the band. I sadly walked to first period.
Zach's POV
Great. Now I have nothing to do today.
I got out of my bed and changed my clothes. I decided to make breakfast for my little brother and sister, Reece and Ryan. I made eggs, pancakes, and bacon. After setting it up on the table, I went upstairs to wake up Reece and Ryan. After I woke them up, they came downstairs and ate. *Ding*. "Who's that, your girlfriend that you've been texting all week?" Reece teased. I rolled my eyes. "She's not my girlfriend." I replied. "You only wish, Zachary." Ryan said. I blushed. "Leave me alone. And don't say my full name, Ryan." I looked at my phone.
Daniel: Yo. I need advice...
Zach: So...you're asking me? You know I'm bad at giving advice.
Daniel: ...on a girl.
Zach: Okay, then, proceed.
Daniel: I think I like Annie.
Zach: Mmhmm...keep going.
Daniel: She's so sweet and kind and I don't know why but I just wanna meet her, in person. I want to be her best friend. No, more. I wanna tell her everything, anything. I wanna be able to trust her, tell her my life story, I want my family to meet her. But, I'm scared of rejection.
Zach: Mhmm...that's the problem, Dani. You won't tell her how you fell about her. And you know from the group chat, she likes you too. So, go for it. I doubt she'll reject you.
Daniel: Thx, bro.
Zach: Yep.
"What did your girlfriend say?" Reece questioned once I set my phone done. "It wasn't my girlfriend." I said, sighing. "So, the girl you've been talking to is your girlfriend? You didn't say she wasn't." Ryan smirked. I put my head in my hands and sighed. This was gonna be a long, boring day.
Ray's POV
Finally, school was over! Just one more day and it was Summer! Hooray! Annie, JoJo, and I turned on our phones. "So," Annie said, smirking at me. Oh no. I rolled my eyes at her. "When can we show the boys what we look like?" JoJo asked. "Um, what boys? All the boys that go to our school already know what we look like; they see us everyday." I replied sarcastically. "Ray! I mean the Why Don't We boys! They're so sweet and adorable! And funny. The list can continue too." "Um, how about we go and visit them over the Summer? It would be cool." "Yeah!" Annie and JoJo agreed with me.
I'm so excited for this Summer now!
1049 words ;)

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