Those Little Pills (4)

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Alright, here it is. Jeanna, get off my back.. Let me know if anything needs to be explained... It will pick up from here.. I hope. :D


Joel looked up at the drunken man, disgusted by who ever let the human in. Ignoring Tristan, Joel took Sarah's arm and led her away from the prince as the drunken man stood back up.

*Damn fool, he is going to ruin my plans* Joel maliciously glared at the prince.

Sarah looked up at the drunken man, a portly fellow who was balding, and held back a shudder. He eerily looked like her father. The clubs beat started to crescendo, getting louder with each measure, the techno vibe started to seep into her head. Sarah shook her head trying to shake out the music.

The siren boys at the dj booth looked over at Joel for approval. He nodded back, and gestured for them to speed it up even more. The two boys nodded, and started to spin the music faster, adding in their voices.

The drunken man gave up, the music was intoxicating him, and he passed out on the floor.

Two vampires, Ellie and Mason, dragged him off to the corner for a little late night snack.

As the tempo increased even more, Sarah stopped dancing. The room was spinning. Colors started to swirl together, blending into one mess of painful light.

A small voice broke out of the music

"Pop another one in, it will solve your every problem." a child like giggle followed and Sarah's world turned black.

Joel quickly caught the girl, and threw her over his shoulder. Walking towards Derek, he paused only to give a small smirk to Alicia. He knew he would betray Alicia, but it was for the best. He needed to Alicia to survive, and she wasn't if he was around. He gave a curt nod to the two siren boys, and they stopped their song, hopping down off the dj booth, they slowly walked over to Alicia.

They flirted, and sweet talked her into leaving the club, pausing only to look back on Joel. He gave another curt nod, and they left with the giggling Alicia.

Joel groaned, each word the two boys said caused a knife to lodge deeper into his heart. Alicia belonged to him. His animalistic side was starting to show. He took a deep breath and finished the trip over to Derek.

Derek looked away from the cleavage of the busty witch he had been flirting with to see Joel, with a passed out chick over his shoulder.

"Good job now let's go."

The blonde whined, "What about me?"

Derek looked over her lean tanned body, and licked his lips hungrily. "I'm sure I could find a place for you, my sweet."

Joel suppressed a grimace. Quickly scanning the room, he looked for Tristan, but the prince was nowhere to be seen. Derek led the small party of cloaked guards, Joel, and the blonde, out to two black landrovers. He opened the trunk, and gestured for Joel to drop off the girl.

"I just love mutiny." Joel sang, "You see, we could all get a higher price for the girl, then what you and your boss could. So, goodbye!"

The guards dropped their cloaks to revel a symbol on their shirts. A dragon roaring, the sign of the DIE, Destructing Imperial Empowerment. Two guards lurched forward and whipped out crossbows armed with silver stakes. They aimed at Derek.

The blonde witch giggled and shimmered away, leaving behind a thin coating of gold dust.

Derek stood utterly alone. He narrowed his eyes, and whipped out his own cross bow. "Is this it? A handful of guards, and you Joel?" Derek let out a strangled laugh.

"Don't forget the people in the club." Joel gestured to the small club behind them. He shuffled his weight to his other leg, jostling Sarah. She stirred, her vision swirling around, her heart beat started up, going to high levels then dropping down dangerously low. She closed her eyes to stop the spinning.

"Candy." Sarah groaned, opening her eyes seeing only the ground and someone's back side.

Derek let out another short laugh, "Oh look, your meal ticket woke up!"

Joel shifted Sarah, so she was cradled in his arms.

"Alicia!" Sarah cried out, her body tense.

"Sarah, it's okay. Alicia is busy at the moment, what do you need?" He started to walk back, away from Derek. The guards surged forward to fill the gap.

Sarah's body shook with spasms, her muscles cramping up.

"Ah fuck, looks like she is having withdrawal." said one of the guards, Timothy.

"What has she been taking, nothing should-" Joel started.

Alicia broke through the back of the club, following the sent of Sarah. She snuck up behind the small group of guards, and ran towards Sarah. She quickly opened a bottle of pills and reached over Joel's shoulder, sticking them in Sarah's mouth.

Joel saw a flurry of movement in the corner of his eye, but ignored it. When a slender dark arm reached over his shoulder he reacted. Pulling away, he whipped out his small sharp knife, and spun around lunging at the intruder's neck.

Alicia knew what Joel would do next, so predictable. She dropped to the ground, sweeping her right leg out trying to knock down Joel. Muttering spells under her breath as Joel fell, she reached out and grabbed Sarah, who was shrinking by the minute. As Alicia caught Sarah, Sarah had shrunken to the size of a 12 doll. She quickly stuffed Sarah into her pocket and fled.

Joel was stunned. Alicia beat him. He laid there frozen on the ground, while Derek was laughing at him. Derek stopped when the guards started to approach him.

"Oh hell no." Derek tried to flee, but he was apprehended by Timothy. Timothy grabbed his shoulder and heaved him to the ground.

Joel flipped himself up off of his back, and smirked at Derek.

"How much do you think your boss will pay for you?"

Derek paled as the DIE group laughed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2010 ⏰

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