Chapter 25

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All I see is white.

Pure white.

"David!" I called out but my voice only echoed back.

But then, there he was.

He was standing a few feet away in all white. Almost blending in with everything else.

"What mommy?" he asked innocently.

"Stay close. I don't know where we are." I told him and motioned for him to stand next to me.

But he didn't move.

"I can't. Don't you see the wall?"

"The wall? What are you talking about?" I went to go step towards him but I was yanked back.

"Don't you see mommy? We can't be together anymore. We are in two different places." He sat down and just looked at me. I have never heard him talk so adult like before.

"No we aren't. You are right there. And I am right here. We are together." I told him.

"But we really aren't."

"Then were I?" I asked him desperate for answers.

"With daddy." Was all he said.

"David, daddy is at his concert. Which we are really late too. So stop playing around and come over here so we can leave." I told him almost in a scolding tone.

"No. You need to go back to daddy. I'm going to stay here."

"Stay here?! You aren't  going to stay here by yourself!" I told him.

"I'm not by myself." He said and another figure now stood beside him.

It was a woman. She was dressed like David.

She was smiling.

"He isn't alone Dani." She softly spoke.

I know that voice.

"Stacy?" I asked in disbelief.

"I will watch over David sweetheart. But you have to go back to Liam. He needs you." She placed a hand on David's shoulder, like she was protecting him.

"How can I go back if I don't know where I am?" I wanted to cry, I truly did.

"You know where you are."

"No I don't! Please tell me! Please!"

"This is the place where David says goodbye." She stated.

"Goodbye!? No! I just got him back!" I yelled.

"You need to go back. Tell Liam. Tell him the truth about David. Tell him everything." She said then, without warning, she and David disappeared.

"David! No come back! Please!" I fell to the ground in a crying pile.

"Someone help me! I don't know how to leave this place!" I cried out over and over again.

But no one came to my rescue.

(only five updates left)

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