Baby blues

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Celine stared at the ceiling blankly. Her eyes studying the whiteness of it all. She could feel her mothers and her older sister, Chantel's eyes on her. They didn't have to say anything, their expression itself said it all. They were worried, and they were all confused. Celine didn't want to tell them the father's name. Knowing very well her family would try to end Paulo's career. After all she still loved him and would try to protect him.

Celine felt the cold gel rub on her stomach, making her look at the screen. She felt a surge of emotion knowing that somewhere in her was a piece of her and Paulo. The doctor smiled at Celine. It made Celine feel queasy, in a sense that they all expected her to keep this child.

"When is abortion best?" Her voice was shaky, and it was soft. As if she was scared to hear the response. The doctor quirked at eyebrow, looking at the little girl who laid in front of her, "After what period is most dangerous to abort?" She restated the question. The tension in the room was growing. She could hear her family holding back a breath. At this point Celine didn't really care, it was her body and she was the one carrying a child the reminder her of the man she once called her lover.

The doctor looked at Celine, a looked that read worried and anxious, "We recommend to abort before the end of your first trimester." The doctors green eyes looked at Celine hoping she wouldn't go through her decision, "After that aborting is dangerous as for the baby and for the mother." Celine nodded taking it all in. One part of her just wanted to get rid of the ties between Paulo and the part of her wanted to make that tie stronger between them.

"How along is she?" Sofia Medina piped up looking to change the subject. The doctor smiled looking back at the screen and pointing out the baby. To Celine it was a blob, but her heart was leap at the pure sight of it. It made her feel uneasy and there was mixed emotions involved as well.

"5 weeks." The doctor stated, then she turned to look at Celine with small frown in her face, "As my job as your gynecologist I can recommend you to a clinic, but a someone who has seen teen mother's I can assure you there will be better days. I hope you rethink your decision." Celine felt her heart clench as the doctor handed her the card, "A baby is a God's blessing."

Celine left clutching the ultrasound pictures to her chest. It was an unusual feeling of not being capable enough to handle things on her own. The little girl that wanted to conquer the world, was now on her knees begging for someone to walk her through life.

"Are you sure you want to go though this?" Her mothers worried eyes looked at her daughter. She wanted to beg her, to plead her that she should keep the baby. That she was strong enough to survive the curve ball life was throwing at them. Celine nodded, her eyes never leaving the pictures of her unborn child. It would be the last time she would see a picture of it.

Her mother sighed, as they pulled out of the parking lot. They would take her to the clinic where she would end her child's life. There was something within Celine that told her not to. That that child that was waiting its turn in the cruel world, would live. It would teach her what was peace within her. It would bring her many happy days.

Tears were brimming in her eyes. Celine had done plenty of crying lately that would last her a lifetime. She didn't quite understand all of it, she couldn't wrap her mind around it.The car ride was long and silent. The Medina women all deep in thought. Sofia thought back at herself. She was fourteen when she got pregnant. She thought it was the end of it. Her life was over, but with one look at her daughter a new life bloomed.

"I can't." She muttered, "I can't." She didn't know why, but at the sight of the clinic in front of her she knew she couldn't go through this. She couldn't be the one end her child's life; especially the tie between Paulo and her.

Chantel got out of the passenger side of the car and sat with Celine, instantly wrapping her arms around her. Celine let out a whimper, clutching her sister tightly, "I'm horrible person." She cried, "Horrible,horrible, person." Chantel shook her head, holding her tears back. She had to appear strong for her baby sister, but in the inside they were all breaking to see how broken Celine was.

"I was selfishly going to end my child's life." Celine chocked out. How had she gotten into this point? How broken was she to possibly think that she wasn't strong enough to overcome that curve ball? She couldn't bring herself to abort her child, she wasn't sure if she was ready enough to be a mother. There was no way she was going to raise a child when she was just a child herself.

"I'm going to put the baby up to adoption."

Gawhhhhhh wow I'm so sorry I didn't update at all. I started school on weds &  I got so much homework .. I finally was able to sit down & update today...

Anyways so here's the 2nd to last chapter in part 1 .. what do you think Celine will do keep the baby ? Or not ? Will gender will it be ? Girl or boy ?

Anyways I wanna thank qolours for translating Red lips in Italian. So if you speak Italian go right ahead. I personally take Italian III in high school & I will be practicing it!



Red Lips; Paulo DybalaWhere stories live. Discover now