The Cereal

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Authors note!
After a whole year of the existence of this book I have I have finally come to the terms to completely rewrite and re-edit this book! I started writing this book almost two years ago and of course my knowledge on a lot of things weren't exactly the greatest so it sounded like a fetus. So please bare with me! Also, there will be an authors note every chapter I edit to let the reader know that it has been edited!

Months Earlier

Celine cursed her older sister that had forced her to run some errands after school. With her lips pierced together and her headers brown eyes trained on the labels- the Colombian still struggled to make sense of the Italian language, while at the same time using all the curse words she knew to cast her sister away, "she could freaking do this."

That's when they met. That's when the stars aligned. That's when the sixteen year girl, who saw the world with eyes of desire, that saw the world as this good and pure place. The same little girl that wanted to devour the world in one bite and the same little girl that was the owner of Paulo Dybala's heart.

Paulo Dybala looked the girl who looked to be eighteen- at the most, she couldn't be any older than that he thought. She was in her mature, much more mature than the sixteen year olds her age. The curves of her body told so. Her hair was long and brown, and the tight curls she had done earlier in the morning fell just above her waist; with a big white bow with the half up and half down hairdo.  Her lips, oh her lips, they were plumped and coated with a rosy red. Her eyes, her big brown eyes; Paulo found them itriguing, and hard to solve.

Celine had been in her school uniform, the hideous uniform. That even though she wanted to be seem as older, she couldn't and that all because of the ugly uniform she was dressed in, "Where are your parents?" Paulo walked over a broad smirk on his lips, handing her the box  the cereal she had been desperately reaching for.

Turning around, her brown eyes narrowed at the green-eyed man as he looked at her with confident eyes that drank her body in. "What are you smirking at?" She question aggravated, snatching the box from his hand as she glared at him.

He smiled at her. Her accent had a tint Spanish; Latin America Spanish. Just a bit thicker than his when he first arrived in Italy, "I'm not," He defended, "Where are your parents?"

Celine widened her eyes surprise with his spanish, his argentine accent at the most, "That's not something for you to know." She taunted speaking in spanish, "Thanks by the way." She motioned for the box she tossed in to the cart as she strolled past him.

Paulo stood behind her, the check out line seemed endless. Celine turned to look to her back only to be faced with him again, "You're stalking me." She concluded making Paulo roll his eyes.

"No." The Argentine answered, "Shouldn't you be at school?" He looked at her outfit he motioned at. The navy blue pull over v-neck sat over the white collared shirt that poked out at the ends; matching white knee socks that clung onto her tone legs, a plaid skirt and black clarks.

Celine messed with a curl that was coming undone before shrugging her shoulders, "You ask too many questions." Her Colombian accent Spanish came out beautifully, "I don't even know you."

"Paulo." His eyes darted to the various items she pulled out from her cart- a box of cereal, strawberries, bananas, a pack of gum. His eyes widened once he notice the box of condoms on top the girly magazine.

"Dios." She muttered pulling the condoms out, "These aren't mine." She felt her cheeks redden.

Celine turned her attention away from him to pay, when she realized she had forgotten her wallet. A whiny groan left her throat, leaning closer to the boy who didn't seem to be any older than she was. Her lips found her ear as she began whispering dirty little things.

"I'll pay." Paulo offered when he didn't like the way the man began to smile.

Celine pulled away a grin on her lips, "You don't have to."

Paulo did anyways as he pulled out his wallet to hand the man the bill, "I'm doing so any ways."

"What's your name?" He asked walking by her side

"Celine." She smiled

"Hermosa." Paulo smirked as her cheeks reddened.

Hola! So like I've been obsessing over my little joya lately! And I thought why not write about him? So this is like my version of the novel 'Lolita' anyways, I hope you guys enjoy this one as well!
Bendiciones, Lexi

Red Lips; Paulo DybalaKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat