The witches

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Celine brushed away fly aways as she hailed a taxi. She would've waited for Paulo to come pick her up as he usually did but he was probably on a flight to Milan by now, so it left her no choice but to go back to home with her sister.

Fiddling with random things she had in her bag Celine pulled a few dollar bills paying the female taxi driver. Celine smiled at the women who wasn't any older than thirty.

She dragged herself up the stairs, she would prefer to be somewhere else than home with her sister, but she had no choice. Opening the door, Celine mentally hope she wouldn't be home;but that was not the case as her car was outside.

Serena Medina looked at her younger sister in relief. The twenty-two year old Colombian hadn't seen a trace of her younger sister since earlier that week.

"Where have you been all week?" She wanted answers. Serena eyed her sister with her brown eyes. The two look very much alike. With brown hair and hourglass figures.

Celine scoffed, her older sister had been put as her guardian after their mom had sent her from Spain where the Medina's currently lived, after moving from Bogotá years earlier.

"Like you care." She crossed her arms over her chest eyeing her older sister, who had just arrive from her work at a law firm.

"Of course I care!" Serena wanted the best for Celine, who seemed too eager to be growing up rather than enjoy her teenage years, the younger sister wanted to devour the world in a bite, "You're never home! You've been gone all week."

Serena didn't want her sister doing something she would regret later in life especially when it came to men. She was scared of her falling pregnant and being left, "Where do you spend all your time with?"

Everybody noticed that change Celine had gone through since their fathers death years earlier, that had forced the family to move to Madrid where their mother had remarried quickly.

"It's non of your concern." Celine mumbled throwing her bag in the couch, "You are nobody to tell me what to do." She retorted crossing her arms over her chest.

Serena opened her mouth only to be interrupted by the sound of her phone ringing from her bag. Serena sighed reaching to grab her phone, "We will continue this conversation later." She said as she answered her phone.

Celine sat down on the couch watching as her sister continue the conversation with her mother. She sometimes asked herself of continuing her relationship with Paulo was worth it. The couple knew very well there was a five year age gap between them. And Celine knew that he would one day get tired of her and he would dispose of her for someone his age.

"Yes, she's been doing great in school." Celine perked up at the mentioned of her. Serena pushed her cellphone towards Celine who refused to take it in her hands, but Serena pushed it towards her ear forcing to answers.

"Hola." She mumbled glaring at her sister. Sofia Medina smiled hearing her youngest answered the phone. The Colombian mother knew what she had done was best for her daughter when she has sent her to finish her studies with her sister to Turin.

After their father death, Sofia had remarried a wealthy Spanish business man and had moved to Madrid after their wedding leaving Celine devastated at 
how fast her mother had replaced her father; not leaving the sixteen year old time mourn his death. It seemed that as soon as the funeral was over her mother was already planning a wedding.

"Celine, mi niña!" Sofia loved her daughters. Her four children were her pride and joy, and always wanted what was best for them.

"Mama." Celine's father had been wealthy lawyer in Colombian before had suffer a heart attack that ended up killing him.

"How's school?" Celine didn't want to have a conversation with her mother. She still resented her for moving on so quickly after her fathers death. She knew her mother had every right to move, but not right after his death especially a two months after his death.

"Great." Her answers were short, which made her mother frown. Celine looked exactly like her mother, the two could he past as sister if it wasn't for her  already being  a mother of four and a grandmother.

Sofia became a mother at fourteen with her Celine's older sister Chantel, "I miss you." The thirty-nine year old mother spoke.

"Me too." Celine smiled missing her mother, as much as they bumped heads from time to time she loved her mother dearly, "I have to go."

Celine cut of the conversation before exiting the house her older sister hot on her tracks, "Where do you think you're going?" Serena yelled as Celine had already seemed to be mid way down the street.

"Places." Celine shrugged only to have her sister rush to bring her inside.

"Stop this." Serena looked at Celine once they had gotten inside, "I know how you feel, but this isn't the answer." Celine looked down fiddling with her hands.

"I know you resent mom for doing what she did." Serena at her rightful time had resented her mother, but not she as a fully grown women who had found that to be foolish, "But by doing that you're only ruining yourself."

Celine looked up to look at her sister. A small frown on her lips. Serena had tried to blind herself with younger sisters behavior but she couldn't anymore, she wasn't going to let her ruin herself.

"Talk to me." Pleadingly Serena tried approaching her, "Remember when you told me everything?"

Celine nibbled her bottom lip remembering her happier days in Colombia, when all that matter was if their parents would let them stay past their bedtime for a longer game of street soccer with the neighborhood kids. When she actually felt like she had a family. When her dad was still alive.

"Where is the Celine that I used to know?" Serena questioned, "I want my baby sister back."

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