The Visitors

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A thin sheet of snow covered the streets in Turin. A small smiles played on Celine's lips watching as the snowflakes joined the rest in the ground. Her eyes amazed at the beauty of the houses and the tress dripping with the snow.

"You'll need a heavier jacket." Paulo's voice rung. Celine turned to look at him, a black dress coat dangling from his fingers. Smiling at him she took the coat from him, placing it over her navy blue cardigan.

"Thank you." Uttering, she placed a small kiss on his lips. Buttoning the coat Celine went to grab her bag waiting for Paulo to follow her, "You know, it's the first time I see snow." She spoke as he turned the engine on. Celine had never experienced something as astonishing as the snow. It rarely was cold in Colombia and the two years she had spent in Madrid, she had never seen a single snowflake fall from the sky.

"It was something you saw in movies." She shrugged. Paulo smiled at her knowing that the part that he was from in Argentina he had never witnessed a snowfall, until he had arrived in Italy back in 2013.

"My first snowfall was in Palermo." He spoke, remembering how his brothers and his mother sat together watching the snowflakes dance with hot chocolate in their hands, "I had never seen anything like that." He continued, only earning a small nod from his girlfriend who was to mesmerized by the snow sticking to the windows

"Speaking of my family." He had wanted to let Celine know of his family's arrival to Turin that day. It mad him feel uneasy, not knowing how his family would react when they found out that he was in a deep relationship with a minor, "They arrive from Argentina today."

Celine turned to look at him, her eyebrows furrowed, "That's a good thing." She smiled. Knowing from the stories Paulo had told her over the course of almost a year, that he was super close to his family, "You haven't seen them in ages."

Paulo nodded. His lips in a thin line, as he slows down at the stoplight, "I want you to meet them." Celine's whole expression changes at the thought of actually meeting his family. What would they think? What would they say? Once they found out that she was a sixteen year old.

"I don't think that's a good idea." She mumbled looking down at her hands, "You don't have to emb-"

Paulo cut her off before she could even finish, "You think I'm embarrassed to be seen with you?" He felt his heart ache, like it had just been stabbed, "Is that what you think?"

Celine bit her lip, "It's not exactly something you should be proud of either, " She whispered, "You look like my baby sister, rather than my boyfriend."

Celine had been internally fighting with herself, trying to convince herself that being with him was the best. That she would never truly ever be happy with someone else. It only seemed as time proceeded and they both got older, it was harder to tell herself it was worth it.

"I've told you this." Paulo stated, "I love you more than I should."

Celine sighed. Remembering Paulo's 22nd birthdate a few weeks ago. How she had stayed up until late, waiting for him to arrive from his celebration at the club with his teammates. How she wished she was just a few years older, so that she could have been there with him. So that he could have proudly show her off as his. To be proud to be his, as he is to be hers.

"Will you come with me?" He questioned.

Celine nodded as he pulled up at her school, "Ill see you later." She spoke, grabbing her things.

Paulo drove off. His mind thinking back to his girlfriend. He had noticed a change in her. A sudden change of thoughts. He hated how she began second guessing their relationship. How could she when all he did was love her. When he had given her his heart and soul to her. He belonged to her.

Celine felt an endless zoo in her stomach all day. The thought of meeting Paulo's family sacred her. She had all these questions whirling in her brain consuming her to second guess herself. What if they didn't like? What if they thought she wasn't fit enough to be with him.

She stood their in the midst of the snow waiting for Paulo to get her from school. A pout on her face, her eyes furrowed. She could just walk home and face her family or she could face her in laws. Both of them weren't options.

So she braced herself, stood a little taller and waited for him to arrive. Watching as he pulled up, Celine felt her heart race, "Hey." She smiled. Paulo smiled, leaning in to kiss her on the lips.

"How was it?" He questioned as they drove home. Celine shrugged. Looks out at the window, "I was thinking." Paulo began, as he had put much thought during training.

"If you don't feel ready to accompany to pick my family up from the airport, you can wait at home." He smiled. Celine nodded, smiling back.

"Thank you."

Red Lips; Paulo DybalaWhere stories live. Discover now