Broken Chapter 2

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The sound of beeping wakes me, wires sticking out of me and pain. Lots of pain. I hear crying beside me. Who could it be?

Where am I? Where's my family? Why am I in so much pain? What happened! I don't remember anything!

There is a lot going through my head and my questions are still unanswered  I open my eyes slightly, fluttering them trying to get used to the light

I look around the room and see a middle aged woman about in her 40's. She looks at me and realized I'm awake and rushes over to me, her warm hands touching mine startling me

'Elena! You're awake! How are you feeling darling?' She woman asks me

'Um... I'm fine... Who are you?' I ask her trying to sound polite

'Im your mothers friend remember? Caroline Redwin' I faintly remember her

'Oh yes, I'm so sorry' I apologize quickly. I'm so rude

'No no it's fine hunny, I'm glad you're awake' she smiles at me

'Where am I?' I question

'In the hospital, you had a terrible accident' she says sadly

I remember everything. It all comes rushing back. The truck, Kathy screaming for dad, the toppling, her body. I gasp. KATHY!!!!!

The sudden realization hits me and I sit up quickly making me dizzy 'where is daddy? Where is my sister? Mother!' I panic and stare at Mrs Redwin

There's a look of sadness in her eyes. The next sentence almost kills me 'I'm sorry Elena, but they're dead' she looked down at her lap, sadness laced in her voice

The words hit me so hard, my heart sinks down to the pit of my stomach and I feel sick. My world has suddenly crashed down on me, my family is dead, I'm alone, I'm 16 for god sakes! I'm supposed to be in Paris now! As I rant in my head I realize my face is streaming with tears and Caroline is hugging me while I'm drenching her shoulder. But I don't care, I want my family back, they are my only family and they're dead. Why couldn't it have been me aswell, why can't I be the one dead. It'll be better that way

I let go of Caroline and say 'Youre joking right? Please say you're joking and this is on TV or something' I say shaking my head in disbelief as I cry louder rocking myself

'No no, shhhh Love. Please stop' She holds my hands and strokes the back of my hand with her thumb in an attempt to calm me down but it doesn't work. Nothing will work. The tears keep flowing and I can't stop them

Caroline pulls me to her chest and strokes my hair whispering soothing things into my ear rocking me slightly while I cry, whatever she's doing is working and within a few minutes I fall into a deep slumber

I wake up slowly and a just my eyes to the light again. I look at my surroundings and see Mrs Redwin asleep on the chair by my side

I try to move my arm slightly but I can't, everything hurts and sharp pains go through my body

I whisper 'Mrs Redwin' And she stirs awake looking at me

'Yes darling?' She says sweetly

'How long have I been here?' I question

'Two weeks my love' TWO WEEKS?!? How the bloody hell have I slept that long. 'You fell unconscious for a long time but were still breathing. I stayed here by your side the whole time'. I smile at her sweetness. It must have been horrible for her

'Oh I'm so sorry' I apologize quickly 'that must have been very hard for you'

'Don't worry dear, as soon as I heard the news I came as soon as possible knowing you wouldn't want to be alone when you woke up so I stayed' she says holding my hand

A few minutes of silence pass and I decide to break it 'Mrs Redwin?'

'Yes?' She says sweetly

'Please can I call you Care?' I ask

'Why Care?' She asks confused

'Its short for Caroline and you're a really caring person, I think it really suits you' I smile without emotion

'Oh of course dear, thank you' she smiles at me

It falls silent again and I think about how much I really miss my family, they were my everything and now they're dead. How could this of happen so suddenly, why me of all people? What did I do to deserve this? I have no where to live. No family. I'm not even 18 yet!!

I realise I'm in tears again, If it's even possible, I feel like I'm drained of tears. Care is rocking me and trying I get me to calm down

'Hopefully this will make you happier, you never knew this before but I'm your godmother' Care says

'D- does that mean I ca- n stay with you?' I say beginning to calm down

'Yes my dear. Everything will be okay. I promise you'

I'm really not good at stories but I like writing them haha


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