Chapter 16: Of Legends and Myths

Start from the beginning

"Jenny, get me fifty cc's of saline, two hundred and fifty milligrams of naproxen and get her started with a shot of cephalexin, one hundred and seventy-five milligrams so we can stave off any infection. Who knows how clean that damned knife was. I need a suture kit stat." Sean taking control of the situation is sexy. His usually easy going, almost playful nature, has been replaced with this cool, calm and assertive persona. Is it wrong that I'm bleeding and turned on at the same time?

Marc and Raven are ushered out of the triage area so Sean can treat my injuries without an audience. Once we're alone, Sean starts the inquisition. "Why are you dressed like a prostitute? That isn't your cover story is it? I'll strangle Owen if he agreed to this." Sean's fist tightens around the syringe.

"I'm a waitress at a dance club. This is one of the uniforms." I try to ease the tension a little with honesty. "Owen was aware of the uniform before I accepted the mission. We discussed it at length."

"You obviously didn't discuss the length." Sean's cheeky nature starts to bleed through the initial panic. I let a giggle slip at his comment as he's cleaning my wound and injecting me with antibiotics at the wound site. He also instructs me to take the painkillers before also injecting novocaine into the wound site as well. "Do you have another uniform you can wear?" I suspect he's trying to distract me from the stitches he's giving me by making me focus on something else.

"Yeah, I have a few different sets in various colors. Owen's been trying to get me to bring a set to his place." The pain medication is starting to take effect. I feel kind of funny, light, like I'll float away yet my arms and legs are feeling heavier by the minute.

"I bet he is." Sean snickers under his breath, but I can still hear him. It makes me giggle and I have no control over them. "It's a good thing I'm done sewing you up, or you'd have had crooked stitches." He tries to admonish me, but it only serves to make me laugh harder. Sean is having trouble holding in the laughter bubbling from his throat as he watches me laugh for absolutely no reason. "Okay. I'm noting your medical records, Pookie. We need to go light on the pain medication. Apparently you react strongly." I try really hard to reel it in. I know this is serious. I needed stitches for goodness sake! The guys are going to find out about the mission and they are going to pull me. That thought sobers me up. I need to prove I can do this.

"Sean, please don't tell the guys." I beg.

"I had the nurse contact Owen already. He's on his way. But I'll leave it up to Owen's determination if we tell Kota per protocol." Sean finishes cleaning the blood off of my arm and side with a disinfectant wipe. "Do you want to sit back here, or in the waiting room? Marc and Raven are out there waiting on word about your condition. Axel, Corey and Brandon might be out there by now too."

"I'll go out there. You have work to do and I'd just distract you if I stayed back here." I go to slide off the bed they've got me sitting on when Sean catches my good arm.

"Hold on, I'm not letting you walk around in your condition. We'll get you in a wheelchair and you can sit in that. The pain medication is already working through your system. I don't need you tripping over your own feet and hurting yourself further." I barely keep from rolling my eyes at him as he signals for a wheelchair to be brought over and helps me into it.

"Honestly, this is ridiculous Sean. I am capable of walking on my own two feet."

"Hospital policy, you need the wheelchair."

"You wouldn't make any of the guys use the wheelchair." I grumble under my breath. But, he must have heard me because we've stopped short in the hallway. I lift my eyes from the floor and standing a few feet away is Jimmy and some other guy who was with him at the club. I feel the blood drain from my face as panic flares to life inside me. If they find out I'm not what I say I am, I'm done on this mission. I shoot a nervous look to Sean and see him studying Jimmy for a moment.

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