"You just keep coming back to me, don't you?" said Nathan. "I know I'm irresistible, but I already told you, that was just a one-time thing. I like you, but you're just not really my type."

"You completely misunderstand," said Klevromar. "It's just that I feel I can trust you. I can't even trust my own family anymore."

"Meaning what?"

"Vwashijklam has been eloping with Eyvtara."

"You mean your son? Her son?"

"I know Eyvtara has always been troublesome," said Klevromar, "but I never thought Vwashijklam would be dishonest or unfaithful."

"That's awful. Now, how about we do our part to even things out?"

"I guess we may as well."

Later, when they both regained their senses, they proceeded to engage in discussion.

"Mars has placed their military on high alert," said Nathan. "They've been conducting regular exercises, preparing for war."

"What are you going to do about it?" asked Klevromar.

"I can't do anything about it, he hasn't technically broken any laws."

"A leader shouldn't have to follow the rules of others."

"Are you defending him?"

"No," said Klevromar. "I'm saying you should do what you think you should do. You think he's up to no good, so do something about it."

"I'm just a moderator for a discussion forum, not a dictator. The Confederation depends on diplomacy and equality."

"And Mithra is interfering with that. Removing him from power is essential to preserving the integrity of the Confederation."

"You're absolutely right. I just wish it was that simple."

"It can be. I committed such a necessary evil for the betterment of my Empire."

"True, but around here, we do things differently," said Nathan. "I can't just kill him and replace him like you did with the last Emperor."

"Sure you can. Who's going to stop you? You're immortal."

"I'm doing things the way Ruby and Henry wanted."

"There's no sense in trying to please the dead."

"Perhaps not, but I still intend to preserve their legacy."

"Very well then," said Klevromar. "If you want to do things the hard way, that's your choice; I can't stop you."

"Thank you for understanding. But what about your problem?"

"I intend to confront them in a civil manner."

"And what if that doesn't work?" asked Nathan.

"Then I'll have both of them banished from the Empire and be done with them."

"That's the spirit!" Nathan declared. "Take care."

"Until we meet again," said Klevromar.

Klevromar returned to his home planet, Utloqov, in the Andromeda Galaxy. Being the capital of the Ameajfeiaiaw Empire, security was tight and there were no unauthorized visitors. Surrounded by a deflector shield, a minefield, a laser array, and a vast military fleet, entry was only an option through designated gateways. 

Klevromar's shuttle flew through a gateway and down to the surface, which was a lush, green paradise, with towering buildings among the forests. Waterfalls cascaded down the mountains surrounding the city, and streams ran through lush meadows home to vast herds of grazing animals. In a clearing, the shuttle landed in front of the grand palace where Klevromar lived and worked. 

Flowers and trees adorned the verdant palace, whose vertical gardens were intertwined with the architecture. The interior of the palace had high ceilings and was filled with natural light and gentle breezes. The walls were richly decorated, and the floors were covered in plush carpeting. The scent of rich soil and lively plants filled the air. Klevromar marched to his bedroom, where he found his wife in bed with their son.

"I can explain," said Eyvtara.

"Get out," said Klevromar. "I wish to speak with my wife."

Eyvtara hurried out the door.

"Why?" asked Klevromar.

"You know why," said Vwashijklam.

"He's our son!" exclaimed Klevromar. "Your son!"

"He understands me better than you ever could."

"It's not my fault you don't confide in me."

"When was the last time you treated me to a night out?" asked Vwashijklam. "Business and diplomatic trips don't count."

"That's not fair. You know I have an entire galaxy to manage."

"You can leave that up to the local governments. It's not like your intervention makes that much of a difference."

"I have a duty to maintain order throughout the Empire."

"By order you mean stagnation. The only difference you make is ensuring everything stays the same."

"I see," said Klevromar. "So that's what this is about."

"What happened to the man I married? Remember when we were scouts, charting out unknown space?"

"Yes, I remember."

"It was exciting," said Vwashijklam. "And then, when you led the revolution and took power for yourself, it was thrilling. But after the initial restructuring, you kept everything the same. It's boring."

"I'm sorry, but I've only wanted what's best. When did your affair with Eyvtara begin?"

"Just after he got into politics. He was calling for change and rallying people to his cause. I stopped seeing him as our child and finally started to see him as a mature adult."

"But how? You gave birth to him."

"Yes, I know. I made a terrible mistake. I've been trying to put a stop to it for a long time now, but he's just so persuasive. I can't explain it."

"I still love you," said Klevromar, "but I have a confession. After I found out about you two, I went and had sex with Nathan. It was on impulse and I regret it. I'm sorry."

"Given the circumstances, I can't really blame you. I'll forgive you, if you'll forgive me."

"I forgive you. And I pledge to do what I can to keep your life exciting."

"Thank you," said Vwashijklam. "Now, what do we do about Eyvtara?"

"I'll leave that up to you. I was planning to banish him, but I'll accept whatever decision you make."

Suddenly, he felt a burst of plasma blasting through his back. He fell to the ground. Eyvtara, who was standing behind him, shot him again in the head to be sure he was dead. Vwashijklam screamed.

"What have you done?" she cried.

"Only what must be done," said Eyvtara.

"He was your father! He was my husband! Why would you do such a thing?"

"He was in the way. That reminds me, you were selling me out, weren't you?"

"I would never do such a thing," Vwashijklam said nervously, keeping in mind that her son had just shown he was not afraid to kill.

"I'm the Emperor now," said Eyvtara. "And as my first act as such, I shall take you as my wife, if you'll have me."

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