"No," Hercules laughed, "I guess I've just seen you talking to her before."

"Wait," Phil had finally stopped pacing and stood in front of the two boys, "you mean (Y/N) from the market?"

Zack nodded his head quickly, "You know her?"

"Of course I know her!" Phil said, "I've bought a few things from her stall before. Nice girl... quiet, keeps to herself mostly, definitely a good balance to your enthusiasm."

"You always act like it's a bad thing," Zack pouted at Phil's obvious jab at his hyperactivity.

"You said it, not me," Phil replied, "So what's the issue here? The sooner you focus in training the sooner you can go ask her on a date, or whatever."

"Uh," Zack looked down at his hands, "That's the problem. I haven't asked her on a date... I'm not sure how to?"

"You never seemed to have trouble before," Phil replied, slightly amused by the whole situation.

"Yeah, well this time it's different. It's (Y/N)."

"Hmmm," Phil started his pacing again.

"I don't really have much experience with this," Hercules spoke up, "but, I think you should just be honest and tell her how you feel. Just speak from your heart. From what I've seen, she seems to be interested in you as well."

"You think so?" Zack asked, perking up quickly at the mention of you returning his feelings, Hercules nodded in reply, "Thanks Herc."

"I've got it!" Phil had been oblivious to the whole conversation between Zack and Hercules, "I've got the perfect plan. It involves three fool proof steps that will guarantee you success."

"I don't know Phil," Hercules seemed wary, "Are you sure you know what your doing in this situation?"

"Of course I do! I'm pretty popular with the ladies myself," Phil bragged, "Trust me, I know what I'm doing. Besides the sooner we put this plan into action, the sooner we can get back to training."

"Alright Phil!" Zack jumped up in excitement while Hercules stood up slowly, he had a bad feeling that this plan wasn't going to go so well.


"Step one: Looks. Girls love a good looking guy, you gotta show her what you've got."

Phil's words echoed in Zack's head as he walked towards the market to set the plan in motion. He could already see you in the distance, your stall already set up and a few customers there as well. He patted his hair slightly, Phil had insisted that he try a different hairstyle, one that he claimed was much more flattering than the way he normally wore his hair. He also insisted on a different outfit as well. It looked fine when Zack stood in one spot, but walking around in it was not very comfortable. Phil claimed it was necessary because it accentuated his toned physique.

You'd made sure to set up your stall bright and early in order to have as many customers as you possibly could. The day had barely started but you couldn't help but look forward to later in the afternoon when you'd get a chance to talk to Zack. He always made sure to brighten up your day and recently that was all you would look forward to every morning. You could feel the heat rise to your cheeks as you thought about him some more, shaking your head you decided to focus on helping your customers.

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