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Hey there guys! So this is an idea that I've had for a really long time. I hope you guys really enjoy it! Sorry for making Zack kinda ooc xD It's super fluffy, just as a heads up xD I'm never too happy with my fluff writing but, let me know what you think and please leave a comment and a vote, I really do appreciate it when you do :)

"Man, not again!" Zack said dejectedly, Hercules extended his hand to him which he grasped and lifted himself up.

"Are you alright?" Hercules asked, guilt present on his face.

"Yeah, of course!" Zack patted him on the back to reassure him, "You won fair and square Herc!"

Before they could continue their conversation, a pair of hooves quickly made its way towards them.

"Kid, what's the matter with you today?" Phil shouted at Zack, "You're not even putting up a good fight!"

"Sorry Phil," Zack gave him a sheepish smile and rubbed the back of his head, "I've just been kinda distracted lately."

"When are you not distracted?" Phil sighed, "You've got the attention span of a puppy!"

"Hey!" Zack placed his hands on his hips, "I do not."

Hercules muffled his laughter.

"I've got two words for ya: focus!" Phil said.

Zack and Hercules looked at each other, amused grins on their faces. It seemed to be a habit of Phil's and they'd long given up pointing it out to him. But it never failed to make them laugh.

"Honestly kid, are you sure you're not under the weather or something?" Phil crossed his arms as he looked at Zack.

"Yeah Zack," Hercules expressed his concern, "Are you sure you're alright?"

Zack paused, thinking about whether he should bring up what had been distracting him or not. He shuffled his feet around before plopping himself onto the dirt floor, holding onto his head with both hands.

"I think I am sick," Zack replied, "... lovesick."

"Lovesick!?" Hercules and Phil both repeated what he'd said.

"That definitely explains the distracted behavior..." Phil said, as he paced back and forth in front of Zack and Hercules, "Well, who's the lucky girl?"

Zack couldn't help but feel a bit shy to admit the name of the girl who had been on his mind for a while now.

"It's (Y/N), isn't it?" Hercules asked as he sat down next to him, a kind smile on his face.

"Yeah," Zack nodded, a smile making its way onto his face as he thought of you, "How'd you know?"

"Well..." Hercules paused as if he were thinking of how to properly phrase what he was going to say.

"Oh no, don't tell me I'm that obvious..." Zack groaned.

Hercules couldn't help but laugh at the distress this conversation seemed to be causing Zack. Every time he'd seen Zack approach any girl he was always so sure of himself. This was the first time Zack had ever acted this way, (Y/N) was definitely special.

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