Chapter 16

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Gwaynn moved out of the inn and into the back alley with Krys following closely behind. As the old man said, the stairs that led to the loft above the feed and grain store were plainly visible, but as they moved out onto the back porch the door opened behind them.

“M’lord,” Taylor said in a whispered voice. Gwaynn turned and was surprised when he saw the old man holding out a very large sword to him. “It’s mine, from long ago. You must be careful. There are four of them. Fakir is the leader, nasty. He’s the one you must worry about.”

Gwaynn smiled and took the sword then he nodded to the old man. “My thanks Taylor,” he said and raised the sword. “We will return this momentarily.” As he turned he gave the sword to Krys.

“Here, you are better with one of these than I am.”

Krys took it and bowed his head in recognition. The sword felt good in his hand, and for the first time that morning he was feeling like his old self. He twirled the weapon skillfully a few times to get the feel for the balance of the weapon. Taylor, who was still watching and fretting in the doorway, caught this little display of skill and a few of his worries fled from his mind.

The two climbed the flight of steps as quietly as possible but the wooden staircase had been exposed to the elements for a long time and creaked and groaned with almost every step. Gwaynn half expected the door at the top to fly open at any moment, but it remained steadfastly closed, and both young men breathed a sigh of relief as they reached the top undiscovered. There was a window close to the door, but they found it shuttered against the night, and could see nothing of what was in the dwelling beyond.

They paused for a moment, but then a flash of lightning came from above. They looked at one another and just had time enough to smile before the sound of thunder exploded in the air. At that exact moment both of them raised a leg and kicked the door with all of their might. The lock and jam splintered from the force and the door flew open to reveal a man standing not fifteen feet away holding a bow already fitted with an arrow, which was pointed directly at Gwaynn. He released the arrow almost immediately. Gwaynn saw it leave his hand and begin its flight toward his chest, but then everything slowed. Gwaynn saw the man’s eyes. They were wide with excitement behind the on-coming arrow, which despite the slowing down of all else, seemed to be rushing at him alarmingly fast. Gwaynn did not have time to take a step, so he swiveled his body and pulled back his left shoulder. It was not quite fast enough as the arrow cut through his coat and sliced through the top layer of his skin before moving by and burying itself into the wooden post directly behind him with a resounding thunk.

Krys stared at Gwaynn for what seemed an eternity, and then time rushed ahead, normal again.

“Move!” Gwaynn yelled and Krys came unfrozen. The man with a bow also gaped as his arrow missed. It was not possible. He was the best shot in the county, and the man before him was almost close enough to touch. But he quickly recovered from his initial shock, and reached onto the bed behind him for another arrow. He picked it up and turned, not seeing the knife flying through the air toward him. Time did not slow for him, and the weapon buried itself directly in his throat with such force that even part of the hilt entered his flesh. He was thrown back onto the bed as a scream pierced the room.

Krys and Gwaynn rushed in, a bare-breasted woman sat at a table, her fingers in a bowl of fruit that sat before her. She stared at them, eyes wide with terror. It was not Dot or Emm, but that was all the two had time to determine before a second door burst open and another man rushed in, this one armed with a set of kali. Gwaynn recognized them as Krys’ set.

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