Chapter One: IceFire

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*Gray finds Natsu talking to happy and to his surprise Happy flies away in delight, by the looks of everything it seems Happy will be gone a long time. Gray walks up to Natsu who is now trying to fall asleep on the side of a tree.*

"Natsu. Natsu! Wake up and get up I need to talk to you about something." Gray demands.

The Dragon Slayer gets up on his feet, opens his eyes, and leans on the tree. Natsu first runs his hair through his pink spiky hair, yawns, and then asks "What do you need to talk about Gray?"

"It's about you and Lucy. I heard the other day that she might end the relationship entirely. I know it might be a rumor, but you seriously need to stop arguing with her." Gray stated.

"Natsu's black eyes were now widened at the state of the matter and now his body language started to act serious. "Gray you have no idea what you're talking about. What's happening between me and Lucy is none of your business plus other couples fight too, look at Levy and Gajeel. So mind your fucking business and leave me alone." Natsu demanded.

"Natsu I'm serious. This time I'm not just doing this to mess with you, sure you and me have our childish fights, but this time is not like those. You know I could help you. Lucy and I are good friends now because she helped me understand my feelings for Juvia. Also I helped her understand her feelings for you. She's a great girl and looks good too you should really take care of her." Gray added.

Now Natsu was starting to get angry with Gray because he felt Gray might take Lucy away from him. Although deep down he knew Lucy loved him unconditionally he was afraid of her dating Gray. Natsu straightens his black vest with yellow sides and grabs Gray's Hawaiian shirt by the collar and slams him in to the tree side he was sleeping in. "You listen to me Gray. Lucy loves me, and I will always love her. If you think you can take her from me than you're dead wrong. If you even try to pull that shit I will not even hesitate to go all out on you. Now get out of here, like I said before this doesn't concern you." Natsu snapped.

Gray, now trying to be understanding tried to escape Natsu's hold, but failed and resorted to talking to him. "Bro why would I do that to you. Lucy and I are like brother and sister. She likes you and I like someone else. I would never try to do that to you because we are like brothers. Remember when you, me, and Erza took a bath together or when she would always stop us fighting. Don't forget those things because that shows how much we went through together, I would never take from you bro... never." Gray replied.

Now Natsu's deep black eyes were staring into Gray's dark blue eyes intimately. The wind blew a soft gust and both mages hair were dancing in the wind. "I know you would never take from me Gray, I just hate that you're right about the situation. I really don't want to lose Lucy to someone else because she is the best thing that has ever happened to me. Whenever I look at her it's like my mind goes on an adventure. If we broke up I don't think I'd be the same, If we broke up I don't think the team would be the same." Natsu sighed.

Natsu had loosened his grip on Gray's shirt and Gray was able to make him let go. "Natsu I know how you feel. If I lost someone that is very close to me I would be really tense and upset too." Gray responded. Gray motioned Natsu to sit on the grass with him and the two were now sitting cross legged by the tree. "Let me talk to her, but if I do convince her to give you another chance you have to make it the time of her life and do something for me." Gray added.

"Me do something for him? Huh, I hope it's that I can ride his dick. Woah, what am I saying? I could never kiss his perfect face, rub my hands through his hair, and pleasure him. DAMMIT, now I'm thinking about it and I made myself super horny." Natsu thought.

"Okay fine I'll do whatever you ask. Deal?" Natsu asked.

"Deal." Gray answered. The two sat there shaking hands and now laughing because Gray wanted to reminisce to back when Natsu first joined the Guild. "God Natsu is so damn hot. I wish I could tell him that his laugh is sexy and everything he does is sexy. I also hoped he caught on to my hints. Why else would I say someone close to me instead of saying him. Luckily he has to do whatever I say, although I doubt he'll want me to fuck him its worth a shot. You know what fuck it, I'm going to kiss him right now." Gray thought."

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