New beginnings

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It was a fairly cloudy day in the Kanto region, the wind was soft and the sun was lazily peering over the huge mountains of clouds, Pallet town lay surrounded by leaves from the now bare trees that swayed in the slow wind. In one little house in a specific area, I sat in my room. Well, what was once my room.

Oh yeah, forgot to introduce myself, name's Stephen, Stephen Ketchum, that's right, my dad is Ash Ketchum himself, only that I never really knew him, he just left me and mom when I was a baby.

My room was almost bare apart from the luscious red paint on the walls, which was my favourite colour. Only my bed, desk and my computer were still to be packed away, several boxes of my belongings lay piled neatly on the floor.

Me and my mom were moving from Kanto into this region called Alola.

The computer was switched on, with my facecam perched on the top. I was getting a video message from the Pokemon professor of Alola himself, professor Kukui.

The connection was slow, as Alola was on the other side of the world from Kanto, but eventually his smiling face transmitted onto the screen.

He adjusted the camera lightly, muttering to himself. 'Hang on now, gimme just a sec…'

The camera tilted slightly and he waved at me, I waved back.

'Hey there! Good morning!' He greeted cheerfully, 'so the day has finally come that you're moving to Alola!'

'Yup, you could definitely say that.' I replied.

'Alola is a region made up of several islands,' he explained, 'that could be the reason the region is chock full of nothin' but rare pokemon, Yeah!'

He held up a pokeball to the screen and continued, 'there's no shortage of cool pokemon out here in Alola, either! Such mysterious creatures!'

He threw the pokeball into the air where it exploded into a shower of blue sparks as a tiny brown puppy-like pokemon landed in front of the camera, I gasped, I had never seen that before.

He continued, 'You find 'em all over, in the grass, in the caves, in the sky and the sea. Here in Alola we love our pokemon, and we depend on them heaps, too. Some of us even battle with them, if we even call ourselves pokemon trainers!'

He was interrupted by the puppy pokemon, as it started to nuzzle him and wagged its tail furiously.

'Rockruff!' he laughed, 'can you wait until I'm done talkin' to play?!'

The pokemon, which I now knew as Rockruff, jumped off his lap and disappeared from view.

'Alright, I gotta ask you some questions about yourself so I can introduce you to everybody!' he said. 'Alright then, I'll let you spell out your name for me.'

'Stephen,' I told him, 'spelt with a 'ph'.'

'Alright! You go by Stephen, Yeah?' he asked.

I nodded.

'10-4, good buddy! I'll let everybody out here know you're on your way! Stephen!'

As if on cue, a small red and black bird pokemon flew down into view and hovered in the air, while Rockruff leapt back onto Kukui's shoulder.

'Yeah, that's a name that hits you like a thunderbolt outta the sky! Woo! Can't wait to see you in person then, cousin!'

'Cousin?' I asked, confused that he was referring to me as a relative.

'Oh, yeah, forgot to tell you, here in Alola you refer to a friend as 'cousin', you'd better get used to it, cos you're gonna be hearing it a LOT!'

He waved and turned off the video chat.

I flipped through the magazine on my desk, which was a guide to Alola, just as I was reading, my mom called me.

'Stephen! Come help me with these boxes!'

'Coming!' I replied in an enthusiastic tone, I loved helping her out and spending time with her, she was more like a caring big sister than a mother and she was lovely.

As I ran to help my mom carry the boxes, the wind blew through my open window and lifted the pages and flipped them to an article on an organization called Aether foundation.

Meanwhile in Alola...

It would've been incorrect to call the building a building, as it was technically a large floating mini-island. But here it was that Aether built their base.

Two floors up from the docking area, the conservation area lay.

A young girl, of maybe only 11 years old, was running through the paved pathways.

She has long blonde hair flowing behind her and pure emerald eyes, she was dressed entirely in white, a plain white dress, white stockings, white shoes and a huge white hat. A cylindrical bag was slung over her shoulder.

She was being chased and she knew it.

Two workers, both in their 30's pursued her.

'Hey! You girl! Come back here!'

'You'll never hear the end of this if you don't stop right now!'

She barely listened, only focusing on getting out of the place, she ran into a junction where three paths linked.

There was another guard there.

She was surrounded.

She looked in every direction in despair, looking for some wait out.

"Gotcha now, princess!" "No way out now is there, missus!" the guards snarled.

Just as she was about to give up hope, her bag started to tremble, blue light leaked out from the top and engulfed her entirely, there was a flash.

Then an explosion.

And she was gone.

As the guards stared, dumbfounded, at the now empty space where the girl stood just seconds earlier. They didn't know what to do.

But neither did her.

And she never knew that the next few hours of her life would be the most important times of her life.

But nor did I.

To be continued…

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