Three gifts

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The next morning I woke up and wearily strolled into the kitchen to see my mother crying.

She was sitting by the dining table, clutching a letter in one hand and dabbing at her eyes with a tissue in the other.

It wasn't right to see her crying as she was usually so cheerful and happy. Something wasn't right.

"Mom, what's wrong?" I asked as I gently sat down next to her.

"Oh sweetie, it's your father! This...this came in the mail and..." she sniffed and sobbed quietly, breaking off her sentence.

"There, there, mom. What's wrong?" I asked, gently patting her back, trying to comfort her. It upset me greatly to see her so sad.

"Your father...he...disappeared soon after you were born, and I haven't heard from hm since...and then this comes along..." she sobbed as she handed me the letter.

It had my name on it.

To Stephen Ketchum, my son.

"O-open it...see what's i-inside..." she stuttered through her tears.

I gently prised open the envelope with trembling hands, attached to the side was a small package. I opened the letter first and read it with shaking eyes.


I have heard news that you and your mother have moved into the Alola region. And that you have become a pokémon trainer. I have never been so delighted before in my life. I still remember the day you were born, how charming you looked when I held you. Now you have grown so much, I think you are ready for a little something to help you on your journey as a pokémon trainer.

There should be a parcel attached to this letter. Use it well. It will not completely obey you at first. But you need to learn to trust and bond with it.

For now you should leave it as it is, don't try to look for it, when the time is right it will look for you.

I wish you luck on your journey. I am sorry I can't be there to see you. I hope we truly meet someday.

Love you always,

I slowly put down the letter with a sigh. A tear rolled down my cheek.

"Mom, it's nothing too serious...just...just try not to stress yourself too's probably fine..." I whispered as I hugged my mother tightly.

"Maybe you could go for a walk, help relax. Unwind. Go for a stroll on the beach or something like that." I advised her.

"I have to go, Professor Kukui sent for me earlier on my videocam. I, uh, have to go. I'll see you later mom." I leaned down and kissed her cheek.

I decided to give her some time to herself and silently closed the door behind me. The gentle sea breeze delicately swam past my face as I stepped out into the sunshine. Professor Kukui's place was by the beach down from route 1. I lumped off the ledges for a shortcut, and found my way across the sand to his house.

His house was not quite what I expected, I found myself at a ramshackle wooden hut plastered with boards. Nearly every window was smashed and covered up and the roof looked like it was going to collapse in on itself.

I hesitantly walked up and pressed the doorbell.

A few seconds later there was a crash as the door opened. Kukui stood there in a bit of a daze. His lab coat was dirtied and slightly ripped, his glasses were cracked and there was a bruise on his abdomen.

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