Brett Talbot

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Brett when he feels you staring

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Brett when he feels you staring.


Watching in awe you couldn't help but keep your eyes on Brett who was putting a shirt on, on the lacrosse field.

"He's clearly doing that on purpose y/n,"your best friend said interrupting your thoughts "I think he likes me."

Feeling like there was a punch to your stomach you couldn't help but feel angry that your best friend said that knowing you like him.

"I can go talk to him for you,"you replied looking to your friend who quickly nodded.

Getting up from your spot you went to go talk to Brett.

"Hey Brett,"you smiled walking up to the tall boy.

"Hey y/n,"he smiled back making your stomach go crazy.

"My friend likes you and she wanted me to talk to you for her,"you almost whispered looking at your feet. 

"That's too bad because I like her friend,"he shrugged making you look up. 

"Who? Because she has like a ton of friends."

"You y/n. I like you."

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