The car nearly swerved a little on the other side of the road, Adrien who had lost his focus for a moment turned back on his side of the road to avoid any casualties.

It really scared him how easily she sent him back to his days as a teenager when he had a major crush on her, even when she was an adult she still had that affect on him.

"A..Are you okay Adrien?" Forgetting her blunt remark from a second ago she looked at the blonde worriedly.

"Y..Yeah I'm fine, it's just...I haven't heard you call me that in awhile." He chuckled slightly still red in the face. "So um....back at the apartment, you seem to really know your way with the kids."

"Yeah they were just precious and so adorable!" Marinette smiled. "If you remember I babysit a little girl, Manon remember?"

The blonde chuckled, "Yeah I remember her. She actually runs the Ladyblog now with one of Alya's sisters."


"Yeah, unfortunately it also means that they developed the same Ladybug fangirl reporter fever as Alya did back in the day. No matter how many times you tell her as Marinette and as Ladybug Manon always seems to be at each attack. She was even there on the day you got hit by the akuma."

"Wow nice to know that she still doesn't listen to me after all these years." Marinette groaned in a sarcastic tone.

Then again, how could she had been any better at the moment. Obviously she was just as reckless if she had let herself get hit by the akuma and now look what has happened, everyone around her is having to put their whole lives on pause because of a mistake SHE made.

"Something else wrong Mari?" Adrien asked once again noticing the look on her face.

"I'm....not sure." She replied. "I just feel more dependent than usual right now. Like everyone's cleaning up my mistake just because I wasn't careful enough to avoid getting hit by the akuma...."

Adrien reached over taking a hold of Marinette's hand, which she responded to by looking right at him.

"It wasn't your fault." He said. "It was never your fault. So don't beat yourself up over it okay?" 

Marinette blinked at the blonde the at their hands that we're now intertwined. She blushed slightly and nodded.

Adrien had pulled up to the side of the road parking his car there. Marinette recognized where they were, they were next to the national park that was the location of the Trocadero in view of the Eiffel Tower.

"What are we doing here?" Marinette finally decided to ask.

"I just thought some familiar sights might help you feel a little at ease." He checked his inside jacket pocket for something, but was shocked to see it wasn't there. "Plagg? Plagg?!"

"Oh hush up, I'm right here." The black cat came into view. "I was sleeping you know?"

"You're ALWAYS sleeping." Tikki chirped from Marinette's lap. "I'm surprised you haven't complained about-"

"And where's my cheese?!"

"There it is."

Adrien groaned at his kwami. "You can have some when we get home tonight, you just ate a full wheel at Alya's house!"

"Doesn't give you any reason to deny me my che-!"Plagg had been interrupted when Marinette plucked him from the air and held him in her hands. "Hey! What are you-!"

"Aww he's so cute he's like a tiny chibi kitten!" She started to gently scratch underneath his chin which he instantly began to purr at.

"Ahh that's the spot." He said relaxing in her hand.

"You're kwami is so adorable Adrien."

"Yeah, but he's a real pain most of the time. Tikki's alot nicer." 

"Yeah Tikki's an angel, but Plagg seemed really sweet too he's like a...a..tiny chibi kitten."

Adrien laughed, "Should I be jealous M'lady?"

"I don't see why." She reached over rubbing the blonde's hair. "You'll always be my main kitty."

Adrien began to lean into her touch, purring at the action.


"Yes Princess?"

"Adrien? Adrien!"


"Adrien!" Marinette had been calling his name. He seemed to have been sucked into another flashback. "Are you okay?" Marinette asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine." He got out of the car making his way around to Marinette's side and open the door for her. "Come on we should get going while the night's still young."

"Where are we going?" The blunette asked stepping out of the car with Tikki and Plagg.

Adrien closed the door behind her offering his hand out to her and she graciously took it. "I just thought a stroll in the park would be nice."


Shout out to ocean_spray21 for her cover to this story. If you're a Wattpad author who wants his/her own custom cover make sure to message her and check out her book filled of amazing cover.

Also in the next few chapters we're going to be taking a major trip down memory lane with slot of flashbacks.

So here's what I want you guys to do!

Any questions regarding Adrien and Marinette's past that you would like to have answered. Ask them in the comments!

Marinette will ask them and Adrien will answer along with a flashback sequence.

So go forth and ask away!

I'll see you all next week....or tomorrow since I'm a couple chapters behind on this story I might post a chapter sooner than Sunday.

Blu is out ✌

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