Chapter 2: Separation and Forgiven

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The Knights were infiltrating Dread's castle at the top of Mt. Coronet and they were able to break in secretly. As they were sneaking through, Andrew and Drake found plans of taking over the world and shrouding everything in darkness. As they were reading through, one of the plans they found was to awaken a creature known as the Leviathan. A few guards caught them and began calling for the rest of them.

"Damn, we got caught" Barry exclaimed.

"Let's just sweep right through them" Jack said while getting ready.

The Knights got into battle stance and started fighting with every single guard that was going at them. They were able to slice and blast them until the elite soldiers started charging. They were tougher but Andrew was able to defeat them using his time pocket watch. When a small army of them started charging, John hit the ground with his mace causing a tremor underneath them. As Ash defeated a number of them, some came from behind him when he wasn't looking. His eyes started to glow red and the Flare Blade flew behind him and killed the other soldiers.

"That was tough but we made it to the top of the castle" Clemont said tiredly.

"Let's go in" John exclaimed.

As they got in, Dread was standing there waiting for their arrival. He pulled out a blade and a battle begun. Dread was very powerful and dealt a lot of damage to the Knights. The Knights started charging up to do their final attacks.

Final attacks list:

- Time Knight=Time Shatter

- Flare Knight=Flare Kick

- Volcanic Knight=Steam Eruption

- Wind Knight=Jet Stream

- Dark Knight=Nightmare Blast

- Space Knight=Galaxy Slice

- Volt Knight=Teravolt Fist

Andrew's Time Swords started glowing blue and his pocket watch caused him to move at high speed. Ash was enveloped in flames and jumped up in the air to do a downwards kick. John held his mace tight and smacked it to the ground creating cracks that produced steam. Jack's cape turned into wings and he flew up and started charging with his spear pointed towards Dread. Drake's Dark Staff started to envelope in darkness and blasted a dark beam that made screaming noises. Barry's Space Axe glowed purple until he swung it causing it to create a purple coloured curve. Finally, Clemont bashed his fists together creating high amounts of electricity and jumped up and flew down with his fists at the front towards Dread. All their attacks landed and they thought the won only to realise something too late.

"You think you can beat me like that? Think again" Dread questioned.

Dread shot a blast at the Knights causing them to fly back. A few portals opened up and the Knights got separated with Jack and Drake going in one, Barry and John going in another and the rest in the last one. While they went through the portals, the high amount of movement and swirls caused them to get unconscious.

In Lumiose City

Serena, Bonnie and Clembot were just finished with shopping and were going back to Prism Tower. Once they reached the entrance, a small purple wormhole appeared right in front of them. Three people flew out of it and landed right in front of them.

"Who are these people and what was that?" Bonnie questioned.

"My scans show that these are three of the Knights of Arc" Clembot exclaimed.

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