Normal ; Chapter One

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Warning: Foul Language and Slight Gore


You looked at the small, digital watch on your wrist. It was almost time for your last class to end. You looked back at the professor in front of the room. People were sitting all over in the pew-like desk and some were writing in notebooks and others took notes on their laptops. You were one of the many people using a laptop, mainly because you wanted to scroll through your social media while taking some notes from the large calk board behind your professor's wooden desk. You sighed and kept glancing at the small clock. Until you heard a loud bang and you snapped your head up to see your professor had closed his book loudly and he spoke with a booming voice. "That is all for today. You may leave." You began packing your stuff as you heard everyone doing the same and your professor cleaning the board. You put your book bag on and walked out, the same as usual. It was quite boring but what do you suspect for a college student? Sure a lot of people partied but you had gotten here with a scholarship and you would rather just get college over with, so you studied all the time. You did attend a few parties with some friends of yours which left you with a bad hangover the morning after. You continued walking down the same path to your apartment building since dorms were expensive and the building wasn't that far from the campus. Suddenly you heard a voice call your name and you turned around to see your male companion jogging up to you. "Wow you're fast!" He said laughing and you laughed with him and nodded. "Not really, I just got out earlier than you." You stated as you both walked down the sidewalk. "Coffee?" You thought about it and nodded. "Sure." You both walked to the nearby café. You shivered feeling someone's eyes on you but when you looked around there was no one. You shrugged it off entering the small, but cozy shop ordering your usual. You both paid and sat down at one of the higher tables talking. "So my biology teacher just piled homework on all of us! like a whole 100 pages of the big book, he's cray I swear." Your friend stated taking a sip of his coffee. You smiled and let him go on. "There's a party tonight in the frat house owned by, Spencer, was it?" You nodded. You heard of Spencer, he partied a lot and barley kept up his grades but just enough to stay in college. "So you're going I assume, Lucas?" He looked up from his phone hearing his name and he nodded. "Yeah since today's Friday and we have the weekend off. Plus lots of chicks are gonna be there!" He threw his hands in the air smiling widely. You laughed at his action and shushed him since people were looking. "So you're coming too (F/n)?" He asked with excitement in his eyes and you shrugged and pushed a piece of (h/l), (h/c) hair from your face. "I have nothing better to do I guess? But I'm not going to drink that much this time." He smiled and nodded excitedly as he finished his drink. You finished yours soon after and you both exited the small café. You inhaled the cool air and smiled while exhaling out of your nose. You both parted since he lives in the dorms and you live in an apartment. "I'll call you to pick you up!" He yelled back and you nodded and turned your heel to walk towards your apartment building.

You walked up the wooden stairs and turned down the hallway to your door, taking out your keys you unlocked it and walked in. You shut the door behind you and set your bag on the countertop and walked to your bedroom. Better find an outfit you guessed. Heading to the closet you opened the sliding door and looked through your clothes. You picked out a black tank top and a (f/c) flannel then you walked to your dresser and grabbed a pair of dark blue jeans. You decided that if you got cold you could button up the flannel and bring a jacket. You undressed and shivered feeling eyes on you so you quickly pulled on the jeans and tank top and looked around. No one. The blinds for the windows were shut. You're over paranoid. You thought to yourself. You pulled on your flannel and walked to your kitchen for a light snack.

           You heard a knock on your door and you got up and walked towards it looking through the keyhole.  There you found Lucas waiting and you opened the door grabbing your jacket from the coat rack and slid on your shoes. "I can't wait!" he said as you closed the door behind you. You nodded as you both walked down the stairs and outside to his car. Lucas wore a simple grey shirt with a leather jacket over it and dark jeans. He walked to the drivers side as you walked to the passengers and you both got in and buckled. You calmly waited for him to start the car. Once he did, he drove off toward the large, frat house. You hoped you wouldn't get too drunk.

Once you made it to the big, dark blue house, you both got out of the car and made your way up the stone stairs that lead to the walkway to the house. Colorful lights flashed from the windows, cups were left abandoned in the yard along with cigarette butts, and the smell of alcohol fell from people's lips. You looked around and followed Lucas up to the open double doors. You both moved your way around and through the crowd the best you could. You looked observed the people around you, some you recognized but others you didn't. You saw some high schoolers, upperclassmen, and people from different schools. The air smelled like pot and sweat. You looked to your side to see Lucas was gone. Ouch, left me to attempt to get a girl. You thought yourself. You walked around throughout the crowd of grinding teens and college students. You managed to find the —what looked like— a living room. You leaned against the wall not wanting to sit by a making out couple on the couch or join the people on the floor playing strip poker. You soon felt a tap on your shoulder and turned your head to see Spencer offering you a can of beer. You thought about it and took it whispering a small thank you as you open it and took a gulp. His arm snaked around your waist and he set his chin on your shoulder. You felt his hot breath on your neck. "How's my little (f/n)?" He said seductively. You shivered and shifted uncomfortably. "Please get off of me" you said. You barley knew him, you were in a group project once. He laughed. "No babe" he pressed his lips onto your neck. Before you knew it the lights were flickering rapidly and the music got louder. You heard a piercing scream in your ear, you whipped your head to see Spencer holding his stomach, blood was pouring out of him and more screams were bouncing off the walls. You covered your mouth and tried to run to find Lucas you tripped and slammed onto the ground. Groaning you lifted your head to lock eyes with a girl you didn't even know crying, "help.." she whispered and then stopped moving. You screamed and jumped back trying to wipe the blood off your hands and you ran around and past people screaming. Where is he? You looked to your right to see a man in a feminine mask with black painted lips, he stabbed a man in the stomach and the man screamed. You covered your mouth crying and stepped back. All of a sudden a —what you assumed— man came walking towards you, you attempted to run but slipped on some liquid and crashed down onto your back. The man came down and straddled your hips pinning you down.
"Get off of me!!" You screamed but he lifted the ski mask, which had a red sad face stitched onto it, just above his mouth and slammed his cracked lips onto yours. You were shocked, tears streamed down your face and before you could react his lips departed and he pulled the mask down and whispered "pretend you're dead." He got up and looked at you for a second then went away disappearing into the darkness of the house. Your vision faded black, you saw as his orange hoody disappear. You passed out remembering what he had said.
Pretend you're dead...

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