13. More Than My Hometown

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I was jolted awake by Austin who was frantically running around.
"Kourt we spent the whole night here." My heart dropped to my knees i sprang out of the bed and down the stairs followed by Austin. We ran to the truck and jumped in. I looked at him and we both lost it, we started cracking up and couldnt stop. We pulled into the driveway meeting an obviously pissed off Caleb.
"Where the hell have you two been." He practically screamed.
"We went somewhere and ended up falling asleep." I stated.
"Where the hell did you guys go where you could have fallen asleep?" He questioned.
"Pops." Austin cut in.

With that Caleb backed down and we all walked inside to Lisa flipping pancakes. She smiled at us and we ate before Austin dropped me off at school. As usual he let me out of his door and gave me a kiss before i headed into the building. I walked in to see a smirk plastered across a certain someones face.

"Theres a rodeo this weekend about thirty minutes out. If you arent to much of a baby show up and race me."

I laughed. "Do you honestly think you intimidate me? The only thing you know how to ride is a-"
Before i could finish my sentence a teacher shooed us in opposite directions.

"Bitch" Ashley yelled over her shoulder prompting the teacher to give her a warning that smartened her right up.

As soon as i heard his voice i was home. Austin asked how my day was as we drove, and laughed when i mimicked shooting myself.
"Theres a rodeo this weekend." I stated.
"That there is, would you like to go." He chuckled.
"Someones gotta put Ashley in her place." I gagged and he smiled putting my hand in his.
"Thats why i love you. You dont take shit from people." I smiled at him as we pulled into the driveway. We went and excersized the horses then headed into the house. Caleb and Lisa went out for the evening with friends so me and Austin where on our own for supper. Austin made us grilled cheese sandwiches then we headed out to his loft. I laid on his creaky bed, Austin laying down half on me, his head nuzzled in my neck. I looked down at him and met his eyes. He kissed my collar bone moving slowly up my neck, down my chin and up to my lips. He moved his hand up to my cheek keeping me from turning away. He moved his body between my legs and pulled me onto his lap. He laughed as we clumsily got comfortable. My hands moved down his chest to the bottom of his shirt. I pulled it off and quickly met his lips again. He slid his hands down my sides pulling off my sweater in one slick movement. Then we heard it. I groaned as i grabbed the shirt that hed just removed from my body.
"Theyre back." He nodded and laughed.
"I love you."
"I love you too Aus." I smiled giving him a quick peck before heading down into the barn.

Friday night we headed out to the welcome party and to set up the trailer and get Gypsy comfortable. We got everything set up and i changed into a short white dress and my boots. We decided to spend the night at the fair grounds to make it easier than trailoring over in the morning. Austin emerged from the bathroom in a white tshirt and his wranglers, held up by his belt showing off the most recent buckle he'd won. We headed into the cold night to the big barn for the welcome party. Buckle bunnies of all shapes and sizes, many of who are Ashleys friends. Ashley emerged from the crowd in tiny cut off shorts and a plaid shirt tied just under her bra.
"Someone should tell her she forgot her pants." Austin joked.
"Come dance." I laughed. He swung me around effortlessly. The band playing upbeat songs. He placed his hat on my head and excused himself to get us some drinks.
"How'd my boy get a girl like you." I turned around coming face to face with a man. His breathe reeked of beer and stale cigarettes.
"I think itd be best if you left." I said sourly. He smiled revealing crooked yellowing teeth.
"You got fight in ya." He laughed, "Get a load of her Dawson."
The man behind him turned around with a wide smile.
"We've met before, how're you Kourt."
"You dont get to call me that." I said through gritted teeth.
"C'mon princess lets go for a dance," Dawson said menacingly. I shook my head and spun around to leave but Dawson grabbed my arm.  Moving his face close to mine.
"Dont be impolite now Kourtney." His breath warm on my neck sent shivers down my spine. He pulled me close not loosening his grip.
"Get away from her, both of you." I heard his voice and quickly went to his side.
"Now boy you best not talk to your father like that." The man beside Dawson said.
"You arent my father, youre nothing to me." With that Austin drug me out of the barn to the trailer slamming the door shut and locking it behind us.

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