Zabuza Momochi

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Title: Fake Your Death

"Hey love, welcome back!" I called out cheerily as Zabuza entered the door of our home. His eyes held a smile, so I figured that his face did too. Haku scoffed lightly with a smile on his face as he removed his mask and placed it down on the table.

"I will never get over someone calling Zabuza 'love'." Haku mumbled gently, as he usually spoke. I laughed lightly and walked up to Zabuza, wrapping my smaller frame around his.

"Well, get used to it, bud." I mused just a Zabuza hugged back and released a heavy sigh.

"Hello to you too, (Y/n)." Haku replied sarcastically. I laughed once more, as did he. Zabuza lifted me from the ground momentarily, spinning me once before placing me back on my feet.

"We just stopped by to tell you that I got a job, and we might be gone for a few more days, and I love you." Zabuza said, now jumping into the conversation. I exhaled heavily, though I kept a smile on my face. I already knew Zabuza felt guilty for leaving me all of the time, though I was pretty used to it by now.

"Oh, alright then. Well, be careful, and I love you too. I'll see you boys when you get back, safely." I replied, putting emphasis on safely, though I knew they'd come back, they always did.

"Goodbye (Y/n)." Haku said, nodding my way before putting his mask back on.

"Bye Haku, watch out for him, you know how he gets." I remarked with a smirk on my face, squeezing Zabuza lightly.

"I always do." Haku boasted, I didn't have to see his face to know that it held a smirk. I smiled in his direction, but Zabuza spoke, breaking our little smirking war.

"I'm standing right here, you know!" Zabuza exclaimed as he squeezed my hips lightly. I laughed all the while and stood on my tip toes to be closer to his face. Zabuza got the message and leaned down the rest of the way to place a quick kiss onto my lips. As he pulled away, I smiled at him, and then, they left.

And this is how it usually went. They'd leave for days at a time, searching for work, and then come back to tell me they found a job, then they'd leave again. Though, when they completed a job, they'd stay home so I wouldn't be alone all of the time.

During those times are when Zabuza would do things with me, like help me cook, walk with me to the village to shop, in disguise of course, and take me out on small dates. Zabuza always thought that one day, he'd come home, and I wouldn't be there, so he tried his hardest, though I constantly reassured him that I loved him, and I wasn't going anywhere.

Only two days had passed since Zabuza and Haku left, but that was enough time for Haku to burst through the door, dragging a comatose Zabuza behind him. My eyes widened considerably as I dropped the broom I was using and raced over to help Haku carry him to our room.

"I'm sorry (Y/n), but this was the only way to get him out safely." Haku apologized as we got Zabuza situated in our bed. I huffed lightly, out of breath, before replying.

"It's okay, Haku. He's safe, so you did great. He'll just be really grumpy when he wakes up. Why don't you go rest, I know he's heavy." I mused lightly, bringing Haku out of his temporary sadness. He smiled up at me before bowing in thanks.

"Thank you, (Y/n)." Haku said, then left the our bedroom to go to his own room, most like passing out as soon as he laid down. I sighed heavily before dragging a chair up to Zabuza's side of the bed, before sitting down and using medical ninjutsu to heal him up.

A few days later, Haku went out to get some herbs that would help wake Zabuza up. Haku hadn't been gone long, and as soon as he got back, we used the herbs to wake him up. I placed them under his nose, and when Zabuza inhaled a few times, he sat up and began coughing, wide eyed and in shock. His eyes darted around quickly, taking in their surroundings, and when they landed on me, he relaxed.

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