Chapter 15

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Barry sigh while watching Dinah make some sandwiches for him and herself.

"Man Barry I haven't seen this side of you. What's wrong?" Dinah ask while putting his sandwich in front of him.

"Just miss Iris. I'm use to her barging in my house and dragging me out my things just seem quite." Barry groan and put his head down.

Dinah laugh and tap Barry's head making him sigh in relief and relax on Dinah touch. They ate their sandwiches and look at the door that slide open showing Hal, John, and Kyle.

"Wow all three green lanterns are here. Now where's Guy Gardner?" Dinah chuckle seeing John's and Hal's faces.

"Right here gorgeous!" Guy said putting one of his arm around Barry's shoulder pulling him close to himself.

"Hey Flash heard your not straight anymore. Hmm was it when you saw me." Guy smirk and wink at him.

Barry just smile kindly like always while Hal growled and shaped a green hand and pulling Guy away from Barry before Dinah laid her foot on his head.

"Focus Guy! Were not here to flirt!" John shouted at Guy with his arms cross.

"Oh I love it when your all bossy." Mari purred while kissing John on the lips.

John smiled at Mari aka Vixen who walk to Dinah who had a protected arm around Barry who was smiling.

"Hey Vixen." Barry said when she sat next to him and kiss his cheek.

"Hey honey. Anyways why are all you here. Not that I mind John." Mari smiled at her lover.

"Will were here cause the Guardians what us to talk to the Justice League about the threat." Kyle said looking at Hal and John who nod.

"Yeah. So Guy keep put." Hal growled making Guy roll his eyes.

"Yeah yeah. No flirting but come on! The Flash is a guy who is gay! I have to know who he is!!" Guy whine making Hal's eye twitch.

John sigh in annoyance while Kyle smack his face.

"Did you really needed to bring him." Ted said while walking in.(Yes Ted is alive in this story and I want him to live so shss)

"Yes...we had to Blue Beetle." Kyle and John said together.

"Sucks for you." Booster said while walking close to Ted with his arms behind his head.

They sat on a other table of the cafeteria watching Guy while Ted was eating a salads and Booster a bag of chips.

"Come on. Blue and Booster! Did you two know that the Flash was gay!?" Guy ask making Barry blush.

"Guy please is this necessary." Barry ask polity.

"Yes!" Guy said.

"To answer your stupid question Guy. Yes we knew that he was gay." Ted said looking at Guy unimpressed.

"Yeah man catch up." Booster said while looking at Skeets play a movie from Netflix. "If you so shock about the Flash being gay me and Blue are dating."

Guy had a shock face while everyone rolled there eyes at Guy.

"Okay I am done here. Call me when the meeting start!" Guy yells and leaves the cafeteria.

Everyone watch Guy leave and when the door slide close everyone started laughing.

"Oh my god. That was priceless. His face reaction."Kyle laugh while John was holding his side.

"Indeed. Seem like he is the slowest." John laugh.

Hal chuckle and look at Barry who was laughing with Dinah and Mari holding on to his shoulders and laughing too.

Then everyone calm down and started doing their own thing once again. Barry smiled and walk up to Hal who smiled and held Barry close to him. Barry chuckle and buried his face on Hal's chest making him smile.

"Hey, how you doing?" Hal whisper seeing Ted smile at them and waving bye.

"Okay...just miss Iris." Barry said softly looking at Booster chase after Ted who was laughing with Skeets.

"I know....come on lets go get some sleep in our room." Hal said walking out the cafeteria and going to their room.

"What about your meeting Hal." Barry ask while watching Hal open his door and closing it.

"Nah I rather sleep with my bear then talking. Anyways they have John so he knows what to tell bats and super." Hal said making his lantern suit disappear.

Barry chuckle and pulled down his cowl and laid down on the bed with Hal who smiled and held him close.

~Unknown Location~

A blue and greenish alien walk next to his partner while looking at the lanterns they were planning to kidnap.

"Are you sure..the Green Lantern are probably guarding them by now." the male alien said looking at his partner.

"Yes....we just need the Star Sapphire's Queen and the Blue Lantern...then we will be complete." a female alien said looking at the greenish alien.

He sighs and pulled back his tentacles and look at his partner.

"Alright....just how are we gonna kidnap the Queen of Star Sapphire. The Blue lantern will be easy but a Queen." he look at the female who sighed and look at her partner.

"No worries. Just leave the queen to me. You just get the Blue Lantern." she smiled ad walk down the stair into her chamber.

The male sigh and look at the window of time seeing the Queen cuddling with her mate. For some reason they couldn't find the Blue Lantern they want but they knew where he was and he was at a planet called Earth which is under protection of the Green Lantern Corp.


Barry eyes open wide with his beautiful blue eyes glowing bright blue. He then sat up looking at Hal who was sleeping peacefully. He look down and pulled out the Blue Lantern ring and just stared at it.

"Hope....." Barry whisper and watch as the ring stared to glow brighter and brighter.

Hal felt the charge of power flowing through him making him jolt awake but gasp when he saw Barry cover in the Blue Lantern suit and his beautiful blue eyes glowing more blue.

"Barry!" Hal grab his lover shoulder making Barry look at him.

"H-Hal..." Barry said but his eyes then close including the suit disappearing and making Barry faint in Hal's arms.

Hal look at the ring the fell on the floor and look back at Barry who was breathing normally. Hal frown and grab the Blue Lantern ring and put it inside his jacket making sure it was far from Barry.
A/N: ehhhh sorry guys.😅😥 I know I been slacking off it just school, drama, and relationship problems that I barley have time to write and think.😟😥 Anyways thanks for waiting and I'll try my best to update more other stories tomorrow too.😌

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