Chapter 6

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Hal was trying so hard to reach for Barry until Barry was caught by someone else.

"Hello my friend. Do you need a hand. " Saint Walker smiled kindly at Hal while Sister Sercy held Barry in her arms softly. These two aliens were from Blue Lantern Corps making Hal smiled and watch them fly to them.

They landed on top of the cliff and Hal ran to Sister Sercy who was looking at Barry.

"Saint he has been poison and his speed powers can't heal it for some reason. " Sister Sercy said pulling Barry back from Hal.

Saint Walker frown and look at Barry and nod.

"We must take him to Blue Lantern Corps and quick. Hal my friend with your permission can we take him there. " Saint Walker said looking at Hal.

"Yes. I'll go with too. " Hal said looking at Carol who nod and smile.

"Go. I'll help John and Kyle take Sinestro and his gang to Green Lantern Corp and go tell Iris what happen. " Carol said putting her hand on Hal's shoulder.

"Hal quickly. We are wasting time. " Saint walker said while Sister Sercy was flying away with Barry.

"Be careful!! " Carol said watching Hal and Saint Sercy fly away.

~At Blue Lantern Corps~

Ganthet and Sayd were watching some of their members of the Blue Lantern flying or training with other until Sayd notice a Green light in the sky.

"Ganthet. " Sayd said grabbing on Ganthe's arm.

Ganthet look also and smiled  knowing that it was Hal Jordan.

"Ganthet. Sayd. We have an emergency. " Sister Sercy said flying straight towards them.

"What is it my child. " Sayd said to gasp when she saw Barry Allen. "The Flash. Is he okay? "

"No. He has been poison by Sinestro and I believe it's the same poison he use on one of our members. " Saint Walker said looking at Ganthet who nod.

"It is. Hurry get him over here fast. Walker get Brother Warth quickly. " Ganthet said and flew to the same room they use for their last blue lantern who was poison by Sinestro's blade.

Hal was looking at Barry who was sweating and groaning in pain cause his healing factor had stop cause of the poison. Sister Sercy place Barry on the bed and fly back making room for Brother Warth who quickly came.

"Brother Warth it had happen again. " Sister Sercy said looking at the elephant look at Barry carefully.

"I see. His speed force can't handler this type of poison that Sinestro had created. " Brother Warth said making Hal look at him.

"C-Can you cure him? " Hal ask making Brother Warth smile.

"Of course. Sinestro may have perfected a poison that will be able to kill anything but I found the cure for it. " Brother Warth chuckle and grab some weird herbs and a blue liquid mix with purple.

He crush the herbs and put them inside the liquid and add some of his magic inside. Then he poured it inside the stab wound were the sword was jabbed into.

"There you go. Your friend will be find now. All he need is rest and his speed force will heal everything else. " Brother Warth smiled while Sister Sercy was pulling the daggers out carefully.

"Thank you so much. " Hal sigh in relief while Brother Warth nod and left the room with Sister Sercy who was done cleaning the dagger wounds. Saint Walker rub Hal's shoulder and left the room too.

"Come Hal. You must be tired rest before your friend awakens. " Sayd said placing her hand on Hal's back.

"If its okay with you guardians. Can I stay here. Just to make sure he doesn't panic. " Hal said earning a sweet smile from Sayd.

"Of course dear. " Sayd said and look at Ganthet who chuckle.

"Love. What a strange emotion. " Ganthet said and stick his hand out for Sayd who accept it.

Hal sigh when the doors close leaving him and Barry alone. Hal smiled and put his hand on Barry's cheek and putting his forehead on Barry's too.

"Barry....." Hal whisper quickly.

~One Hour Later~

Barry groan quickly and open his eyes slowly to close them again. He then open his eyes again but slower and saw he was in a medic room that had beautiful glowing flowers and showing that it was dark outside.

Barry sigh and look to his left to see Hal sleeping in his regular clothes and holding Barry close to him. Barry blush deep red and look at his bandage wound. Then Barry remember what happen and how it happen.

"Okay...but where am I? " Barry ask himself outloud.

"Your in the Blue Lantern Corps Bear. Your were poison by Sinestro's sword making your healing factor stop. " Hal yawn while looking at Barry.

Barry made a oh sound and look at his wound and saw how Hal was still tired making him smile.

"Why don't we go back to sleep. " Barry said looking at Hal nod and getting up.

"Don't worry. I'll go asleep in a other room. " Hal said but look at his sleeve when Barry held on it.

"C-Can you....I-I " Barry studer making Hal smile already knowing what he wanted.

"Okay. Move aside. " Hal said pulling his jacket off including his shirt. "Be warn I like cuddling. "

Barry blush and nod his head and pulled the blanket over them and let Hal bring him closer to him. Hal smiled and felt Barry breathing softly. Barry sigh and fell asleep while Hal just watch him.

"Oh Barry..your making this hard for me. " Hal chuckle and buried his face close to Barry's head.

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