Chapter 5

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"BARRY I COULDN'T SAVE HIM!! " Iris cried out.


Carol groan and look around to see her phone broken under a boulder and Hal, who was in his green lantern suit, was protecting her from a bigger boulder with his ring.

"Hal Jordan. I came back for my revenge. " Sinestro said calmly looking at the green light.

"Sinestro! " Hal growled when he push the boulder back but gasp when he saw Barry in Sinestro hold.

"H-Hal *cough* " Barry gasp trying to push Sinestro's hand away.

Barry couldn't use his speedster power because it'll reveal his hero identity. Sinestro smirk at Hal who was shaking with anger.

"As you can see Hal Jordan. I have someone that is very important to you in my grasp. " Sinestro said squishing his hand more tight.

"Ugghhh! " Barry choke making Hal flinch

"No!! " Hal said sticking his hand out.

Carol was sneaking from behind while Sinestro was distracted by Hal.

"You wouldn't want to put this beautiful friend of yours in harms way now would you Hal Jordan. " Sinestro said leasing his hold on Barry's neck making him gasp.

Hal was looking at Barry and at Sinestro back and forth forgetting Carol who was about to blast Sinestro with his Star Sapphire ring.

She open fired but Sinestro saw her and flick the blast away but making him let go of Barry who fell to the floor coughing and taking deep breaths. Hal blasted his ring to Barry but Sinestro block his blast by covering Barry in a yellow orb.

"Clever girl you are your majesty. Clever indeed. Catching me off guard. Anyways back at hands in matter. Hal meet me at the desert were you first found your ring. That will be all. " Sinestro said making Hal growled.

"Your not getting away with him SINESTRO!! " Hal yelled and blasted his ring.

Sinestro growled and flew back outside with Hal and Carol behind.

"Hal choose wisely. " Sinestro said calmly while taking the air away from the orb making Barry gasp and hold his throat.

"No Barry no! Stop please!! " Carol cried out looking scared as hell.

Hal stop and froze. Then he nod his head at Sinestro who smirk and let Barry get air inside the orb. Barry gasp once again and felt tears falling down his eyes.

"Good boy. I will see you soon Hal. " Sinestro smiled and flew away.

Barry look at Hal with his hand on the orb while Carol held Hal who was ready to just give up.

"Don't give up hope Hal! " Barry gasp out and watch Hal shrink down.

Carol landed and held Hal who was shaking in anger and was glaring at Sinestro disappear. Then John and Kyle came in landing infront of them.

"Hal Sinestro here! Oh god...I'm to late aren't I. " John stop and ran to Carol and Hal with Kyle behind.

"He took Barry. He took my best friend John! " Hal growled looking at John angry. "How did the guardians let him out again! "
John look at Hal sadly and sigh.

"They don't know but come on. We have to save Barry, Hal. Knowing Sinestro he'll do worst things to him. " Kyle said making Hal's eyes go wide and look down.

"Come on Hal. Remember what Barry said. Don't give up hope. We can called the league an- " Carol said.

"No! Sinestro will kill Barry. Knowing Barry he not gonna use his speed unless he wants Sinestro to know he's the Flash. " Hal said and floated up. "I have to go alone. "

~Californian desert~

Sinestro had Barry inside a yellow prison by Romant-Ru. He look at Barry who was getting tired.

Barry hadn't had food for about an hour ago because him and Iris were about to go eat but got interrupted by Sinestro. Also he use his energy to get air back inside his system making him go little bit down with engery.

"W-What do you want from my friend! " Barry pretended to not know what was happening.

"Oh Barry. You seem not shock about you friend being a Green Lantern. Why is that? " Sinestro said looking at Barry.

Barry didn't say anything making Sinestro smirk.

"So he told you already. Wow Hal must trust so much to keep his secret identity of him being a Green Lantern. " Sinestro smirk even bigger knowing that this man is Hal crush.

"Sinestro Hal Jordan is here. " Romant-Ru said looking at the Green light flying fast.

"Hal no! " Barry gasp knowing that he came alone.

"Good. Barry be a boy and hold this for me. " Sinestro said and stab Barry with a dagger making Barry scream in pain.

The worst part was that his healing factor was trying to heal over the dagger making the pain even worst.

"Good boy. " Sinestro said not even seeing the healing because of Barry's clothes.

Barry gasp and look at Hal land in front of Sinestro to gasp when he saw Barry shirt cover in blood including his hands that were covering his side.

"You BASTER!! " Hal growled back regret it when Sinestro twisted the dagger making Barry yell in pain.

"Oh Hal careful. " Sinestro said smirking at Romant-Ru.

Hal was shaking in anger while Barry was trying his best to hold his tears back.

"Now since your here alone....." Sinestro smirk and snap his fingers to have some of his members jump out and held Hal down.

"YOU BACK STABBING BITCH!! " Hal yelled in anger trying to get lose.

"Oh Hal you should have know it was a trap but I can't blame you for being all lose when you saw your lover or should I say best friend trap in my grasp. " Sinestro laugh and twist some more of the dagger. "Ah music to my ears. "

Hal yelled no when Sinestro stab a other dagger in Barry's arm and twisting it too.

"No! Stop!! Sinestro it me you want!!! Let him go!! " Hal cried out looking at Barry struggle.

"N-no...Hal " Barry called out to gasp out when Sinestro stop and smirk at Hal.

"Oh Hal. That the plan. To make you watch me kill your lover slowly while you suffer. " Sinestro laugh and look at Hal. "You shouldn't have came alone. "

"Sorry chump but he's not alone!! " Kyle yelled and blasted the group who were on top of Hal.

Carol blasted Sinestro who gasp and made a shield and growled in anger.

"No! I should have know! Romant-Ru do it!! " Sinestro growled and blasted at Carol and Kyle.

John help Hal up for him to look at Barry get stab by Romant-Ru sword making Carol gasp in horror.

"BARRRYY!!! " Hal shouted and flew after him when Romant-Ru threw him off the cliff.

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