"So....what the fuck could you possibly want from me?" I asked, and it was harder for me to breathe, mainly because I was already sure of what he was going to say.

His fingers trailed down my neck and rested on my shoulders as he smiled, and I had never seen anything more sinister in my life.

"The one thing I've wanted since I first met you," he said, and suddenly his hand dragged itself to my inner thigh. I pushed him away from me, shaking my head profusely.

"No, I won't - "

"But you're gonna."

"I'm not! What kinda sick, twisted psychopath are you? Out here killing and extorting money from innocent ass people? Threatening to murder people because of things your grown ass sister consented to? She's carryin' your fucking blood and you wanna kill the father of her child? Nigga, you need help."

"First of all, who the fuck are you yellin' at?" He asked, standing up and towering over me.

I swallowed hard as stood, glaring up at him.

"I'm talking to you."

We stared each other down for what seemed like an eternity before he started to laugh, and I blinked uncomfortably.

"This is why I like you," he said, chuckling before he suddenly bucked at me, making me flinch and put my hands up in defense.

"You'd really fight me, huh?" He asked.

I nodded.

"You wanna fight me right now?"

I nodded again.

He analyzed my face, and I looked at his while wondering exactly what he was trying to do right now.

Suddenly, he grabbed me by the arm and pulled me close to him, wrenching the other arm behind my back after I immediately went to swing at him. His face was dangerously close to mine, and I bit down on the inside of my lip to keep from whimpering at how hard he gripped me and how he was pressing me down against the couch cushions.

"I would beat the brakes off yo little ass, don't fuckin' play with me. Now, we can do this one of two ways," he said, being firm as I squirmed beneath him, "Either you can give it up willingly - do everything I say and no one gets hurt. Or I'm taking what I want, and everyone around you gets hurt, all thanks to you. It's your choice."

I thought long and hard. It was like a double-edged sword. I could willingly give up my dignity and save lives - although, he was likely to go back on his word, but that was the risk I'd have to take. Or, I could say no and get everyone, including myself, killed.

I should've just took the risk of throwing myself out of the car.

"What....what do you want me to do?" I asked hesitantly.

He smiled and released me. I rubbed my wrists and tried to get some space between us again.

"I want head, obviously. Don't even think about biting me."

"I wasn't."

"Just in case. Then....I'm putting you in whatever position I feel like, which, I think this is good," he said, putting himself in between my legs. I refused to look at him in the eyes and I instead just stared off to the side.

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