Chapter 13

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I'm now a full 9 months and little Bean can come any day now, also meaning I have to be extra careful I am not allowed to leave the house unless someone accompanies me and eomma comes and stays with me when the boys have schedules 

Luckily Bean has started kicking me less and moving less because since the nursery reveal Kihyun oppa has been distant from me and I am not sure why I don't know if I did something wrong or if he is just a bit stressed with their busy schedules, but I do miss having him around, I guess I got to use to him caring for me and now that he isn't there I realize how much I do need and love him   


I've been distracted a lot lately, I worry about Sunny when we aren't home since she is so close to giving birth, but also because I heard her conversation with Shownu Hyung, she likes someone in the group I think I know who it is, I think it could be Minhyuk maybe they spend a lot of time together at home 

So I have been distancing myself from her more so I can try to get over her but it isn't working every time I see her I want to hold her and make sure she is doing well and that she is feeling okay, I guess I really did fall deeply in love with her...


I was laying on the couch my head resting on eomma's lap we were busy watching a drama, I'm not sure of its title, i felt the need to go to the bathroom so I got up and waddled to the bathroom but before I made it I felt liquid running down my leg I didn't mind it at first since this happened so many times already I went to my room to change my clothes, on the way I started feeling pains in my abdomen

that's when I realized that I didn't wet myself but that my water broke, I walked back to the living room and called my mom 

"Eomma!" she looked at me calmly 

"AHHH!" I shouted when another contraction came, her expression turned to panic 

"Eomma it's time" 

she got off the couch and hurried to my room and grabbed the bag we packed for the hospital, we then headed over to the car locking the apartment behind us, I wanted to call the guys, appa, and Minji but eomma said she will handle it when we get to the hospital...

When we got to the hospital I was taken to the room we had booked before hand like Dr.Yoon told me to do, the nurse came and told me to call her when I feel my contractions are getting closer, eomma went and called everybody to inform them what is going on 

(Shownu P.O.V)

We were busy with our last round of practice when our manager came hurrying into the practice room he looked like he was a bit panicked 

"Boys practice is over we need to get to the hospital" we all looked at him confused 

"Sunny's water broke, we need to go now" 

without being told twice we all hurried out of the practice room and went to the van heading over to the hospital

After about a hours drive since there was a lot of traffic we got there a nurse showed us to the room where Sunny is in as we got closer we could hear a voice screaming pain evident in the screams we came to a stop in front of her room and another scream erupted, we all looked at each other 

"She is in so much pain," Wonho said 

a nurse came out "one of you can come in to support her if you want to?" she then went back into the room

we all exchanged glances "Kihyun Hyung should go" Jooheon said 

"Me? why"

"Hyung you two are close and you helped her through all this as well" I.M protested

"Yeah, but won't she want the person she likes to go in there and be with her" we all looked at him with straight faces

"what? why are you all looking at me like that?" 

"Well, then you should go in you know," I told him 

"what do you mean? she doesn't like me"

"uh yes she does, she likes you a lot, we all know it, and she confessed to me that she likes you," I told him 

"wait she likes me? I thought she likes Minhyuk?"

"we are just friends and that is all we will ever be she likes you so get in there, she needs you" 

he nodded his head and headed into the room without being told a second time

(Sunny P.O.V)

The boys haven't arrived yet and my contractions were getting worse held onto eomma's hand as the contractions came and went away...

after a while, I heard voices outside I could identify them as the boys, but I couldn't tell exactly what they were talking about, the nurse went out and told them one of them can come into the room since the time is getting closer 

I heard the voices again and soon after the door opened revealing Kihyun oppa I smiled weakly at him and waved a bit, he came to the other side of me and took my hand 

"Hi, sorry I took so long to get here," he said to me softly

"don't worry, nothing much happened yet"

"Yeah but still, I'm sorry" he had a guilty look on his face, the door opened revealing Dr.Yoon

"Hello everyone nice to see you again," she said with a big smile 

"so according to the nurse you are ready to start pushing, pretty soon you will be holding your little girl Sunny are you ready?" I nodded, she sat down and told me to do as she says

"okay so on 3 you need to give us a big push"

"1...2...3, Push" I pushed   

"Good that's good" 

after a few minutes she told me to push again and so we continued 

"I can see her head, come on Sunny on last big push on the count of 3" 

"Sunny-ah you can do it I know you can," Kihyun oppa told me encouragingly 

"come on honey imagine holding your little girl at the end of this" eomma said holding my hand tightly   

"1...2...3, Push"

I pushed as hard as I could and then there was a little cry, i smiled weakly to both eomma and Kihyun she was here she is finally here...     

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